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My name is Russell

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Everything posted by My name is Russell

  1. Anyone ever lightened a flywheel on a small 100cc type motor before? Thinking about drilling heaps of holes in it. (Since I now have a spare) probably a waste of time actually. Hayhole and hayholes mum said they has a bucket racer that didn't run a flywheel at all, which had me thinking.
  2. Picked up a speedo and test fitted tank
  3. I like the badges on those CB tanks. Not just a sticker etc
  4. That's all the convincing I needed
  5. One if the bar clamps had been taken to with an angle grinder, to remove the helmet clamp i presume. So i picked up a replacement pair which i never thought I would find. Purchased this tank: Then spotted this tank so purchased it also: Now I have seen this tank that I quite like!?! . . . . Hmmmm when to stop. Perhaps I should collect tanks and helmets! Cable 1 arrived: Still having issues with the gears, I'm not 100% sure how easily it should / shouldn't go through the gears sitting on the bench. (It also has no oil in it so that could be a contributing factor). I might pull it apart again tonight and take another look at the gear junk inside it. Looking for a small speedo that's got old styling. anyone seen anything cool? CHAIRS!
  6. On / off topic question. What's a nice muffler combo for a black top in a road car? About to re make mine. Curently it drones quite badly with some coby things In it.
  7. Congratulations Manu! Gosh what a great result! You have done a top job! You can chop the springs / spouting and stuff like that now you are legit! PARTY!?
  8. I love spending all weekend working on motors
  9. Ok cool, that would make me happy if that's all it is. Do you have any motorized 2 wheel toys now Kicker?
  10. Tonight's challenge . . . That star / gear selector. Goes into Neutral, first and second easily but NOT 3rd or 4th. Could that be because the gears are not spinning or should i be able to run through all the gears on the bench?
  11. These things are handy! Check out the size of the oil pump Lots of cleaning 'A' goes into . . . . . . . 'B' Complete gasket kit $35 And that's a wrap for tonight,
  12. Cheers CD, would be piece of cake for a man with your skills!
  13. Yup fits well thankyou, appears to be in really good condition, OLD v NEW . . . spot the difference!
  14. To easy! Its the bolt heads missing from me drilling them that might be difficult haha. Hopefully metric stuff. I have a confession sir . . . . I missed a bolt and that was 99.9999999% of my drama and I'm fairly sure a significant portion of the stuff I removed on the clutch side could have stayed in place. Owwwwwwww well. Muppet. Will pick up gasket kit tomorrow and try the same again in reverse.
  15. Perseverance wins! picture uploader
  16. Silly bloody things. Impact driver had a good grip on them and still wouldn't Crack them.
  17. I rounded the oil pump bolts lolz. Not even sure if it has to be removed. Bloody Philips heads!
  18. I rounded the oil pump bolts lolz. Not even sure if it has to be removed. Bloody Philips heads!
  19. Worlds slowest motor progress combined with no one cares updates . . . oh nup . . . the escorts winning that race Thanks Boyls for cracking my nut.
  20. Yeah probs should. As un successful as these updates sound, its actually quite fun learning how these things go together. I normally just throw Lifans at scooters to fix problems haha so is worth a shot. I think every bolt on this motor was assembled wet as they all have rust on the threads.
  21. Ohhhh man centrifugal filter nut just won't budge. 3/8s butterfly rattle gun wouldn't Crack it so made a new key for the 1/2 inch rattle gun and still no luck. Will take it down to Boyals tomorrow
  22. Anyone tried one of these? I presume they bolt into a CG110 frame? Project deadline is 2nd July
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