Finally had a chance to do some research
Info cut from: ... -mt75.html
I need a little help working out how to fit my MT75 gearbox to my 2.0 pinto engine.
The box itself fits to the engine fine but its the clutch, flywheel and starter motor that is causing me problems.
You see the starter that came with the box is from a Sierra DOHC and does not reach the Pintos flywheel.
Also the flywheel on the Pinto is not as thick as the one on the Sierra so I'm a bit worried about what cluch I should be using.
You have to space the thrustbearing(right word?) 15mm, or you can use the arm from a 2.8 v6
I went and compared both the flywheels (over an hours drive) and found they can't be swopped around.
So I'll fit a standard Pinto clutch and flywheel and do what you suggest and space off the thrust bearing.
It has come to my attention that you'll need the arm from a type 9 4-speed. I will check this, since this is new to me
from: ... read=84351
a type 9 fits an escort without a bigger tunnel, an MT75 will not
no mt75 has a removeable bellhousing,
the sliding jonit is only to allow easy removel it has a lock nut to hold it once fitted.
the transit mt 75 is a completely different box.
the mt 75 has manual speedo drive & an elec speed sensor.
mt 75 is only fitted to twincam & V6 4x4 mk2 sierra's
the cvh & ohc allways used the type 9 & the 1.8 td uses a V6 type 9 with different ratio's
the 4cyl boxs use the same bolt pattern but to fit a type 9 to a twincam requires a 10mm spaceing between eng & box ,& stater & box.
only type 9 equiped mk3 granada's had an elec speedo drive. & newer transits