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Everything posted by P_Star

  1. My final comment on the matter because as Andy has mentioned this is supposed to be about the car, hence my comments which were to try and clarify a few of the suggestions others had made... and Andy himself had asked for these suggestions. @Brick of Flying... simmer down, I don't think anyone was actually particularly mean to andy for a change so your 2c wasn't really required and lent nothing of use. (SP was clearly frustrated at skimping on car and spending on guns but again andy's choice so.. meh) Whoever suggested there was a factory heatshield and offered to send to Andy, dear god please do this, you are a god among men
  2. I suspect he means you could have purchased a better quality exhaust wrap if you are concerned about longevity? or perhaps a custom heat shield that looks a bit tidier (if that is what you are looking for)
  3. now you bloody sell lol
  4. Seems unlikely to me... proof would be the cut through the finger of glove I was wearing and light graze on finger... each to their own though I guess
  5. Burnt orange would be my call... sort of the colour of the middle stripe of ky's sig
  6. Would recommend some cheap leather gloves also, they are only about 10bucks or less... I find the grinding sparks upside the fingers annoying/keep cutting myself lol so they are a godsend
  7. I spent about two hours patching previously cut holes and cutting new ones (stupid rust) my welding is still shit... but I have a grinder lol. Doubt it will actually be ready for this pig farm trip but I am gonna give it a shot. Pics of holes New holes: Old hole fixed (well getting there)
  8. I'm pretty sure it has some... they seemed to more or less slow it down a smidge/will be fine D:
  9. it runs... well it ran when I put it up on the stands... I "just" have to finish cutting metal off... welding metal in to cover the holes i have cut... finish with bracing rear chassis so I can rebuild and rear bar (which will just be for mounting hooks), finish bracing front chassis... drill holes, find bolts, mount barwork... build snorkel, install new chairs... potentially purchase new battery... hardly anything really lol Edit: not sure if it stops or not... should probably check that too...
  10. Oi ed, sounds like you have this sorted but if you want you are welcome to borrow the hilux... nice and low for easy loading/unloading haha... probably won't have free hands to go with it though/might be able to spare an hour or so... lemme know
  11. Saw that... half tempted to try an make it... I have like a week... or two... that's 2 weekends... aka 4 days... might be doable if I stop being a lazy shit. I did see that they were talking it up as suitable for shinies... so confused...
  12. Ok, figured it was time for me to stop trying not to look at the bits of this thing strewn across the garage... so although I need to get the Lada sorted first I will attempt to spend some time on the Jawa as well... and to those ends... I bought some bits lol... hopefully everything I need to get it back together... hopefully boring pic:
  13. PM sended You cannot make another post so soon after your last.
  14. more or less done trimming the rear, neighbor came over and had a winge about all the grinding lol (really need to get a w/shop somewhere!) so finished that up for the day and welded a panel in to cover the massive hole. No pics of horrid welding but will post some when the rest of the holes are patched up... Pics for you sickos who enjoy lada Before/during: After: still needs some tidying and will need notches cut still for where I want the barwork to end up but progress is being made
  15. Quick update, had a sunny day so spent a good few hours on this little guy. Much chopping of rear barwork to lighten it up and get it out of the way, will be much more minimal that previous, also started welding in some strengthening pieces... no pics of either but as you would expect the work is ugly but will do the job.. a bit like me really :/ Also started chopping away a big chunk of body work at the back/sides, there are a few reasons for this... namely cancer and the need to get the aforementioned barwork up and out of the way. Pic: I ran out of cutting disks so cutting job unfinished but I'm sure you get the idea. Also just to give you an idea of the previous rust "repairs" here is the front wheel well (looking back toward drivers door) with as much of the Space Invader as I could get to removed :/ And just for entertainment value (and to see what the clearance was like/how much chopping the guards need) I threw the new feet on... looking much more purposeful! Before: After: Also did some sundry shopping/procuring pipe and such for snorkel, cable, connectors, antenna etc for CB random bits and bobs... Need to get more cutting disks so I can make some more noise/progress
  16. I miss lingling's minutes for when I miss these things aka always... also many thanks kurt for the lumps of metal they will do the trick nicely
  17. precisely... and it is now super strong/couldn't care less what it looks like/ I need to make sure it does the job right before worrying about what it looks like upside down in a stream
  18. yeah it looks a little odd, however it is way stronger and gives far better approach angle than any of the other options... Has brackets for spotlights in the middle of the bar and as it isn't road going the headlights shouldn't be a major issue but I will take a look at that
  19. Seeing as today seems to be niva update day, here's mine... spent the day with multiple bfh's and cold chisel + sharpened screwdriver to remove them blockages in the chassis I was asking about on Friday... I should probably post my ace ms paint tech diagrams so here they are: those things were a bit of a bugger to remove however once I got the first one out(~4hrs) and figured it all out it went much smoother (~40mins). that obstruction seemed to serve absolutely no structural purpose other than to retain the bumper bolt. I will not be using the factory bumpers at all so my bullbar(Horizontal straight 50x50 box) is now mounted with nearly 25cm depth (all the way back to the front suspension bolt(obviously I will leave a bit of leeway for safety)) I haven't bolted it all up as I will try and weld a plug into the far end of the box section as well for a bit more strength and to stop anything pulling. But I think with that length I should be able to run 3 bolts a side through braces, which should make everything fairly sturdy anyway at the end of today it looks like this: with the box section able to go all the way back to Here: as opposed to essentially a bit forward of the bolt hole visible in same pic. will pull the back apart tomorrow(today) and see what the story is there but so far, I think so good + Hammers, and tyres and stuff:
  20. Looking mean, another volunteer to take away some of that useless 4x4 type junk you pulled off it here too
  21. Turns out the existing bars are 50mm box which happens to be the perfect size to slide into the existing chassis rails so made a start on chopping off the brackets and things that are no longer needed, not done yet but making progress Will then be able to bolt everything together in a much stronger fashion and mount hooks etc... haven't looked at the back yet but will hopefully be able to do something similar. will likely also trim down the bull bar as it has a ton of weight and isn't really needed on a bush truck i.e. couldn't care less if it gets scratched/bashed/hit by trees etc
  22. Found plenty of rust as expected under the expanding foam, and some more in the sills etc but looks like it is all easily enough patchable for the job it will be doing... I am a little worried about what I will find in the shock towers thought... I have to figure out what I'm gonna do about recovery hooks as the normal deal won't work due to 8 tons of steal used to attach the A-Frame... in fact that rig is going to annoy me fast due to hanging 8 miles under the car no doubt causing it to hang on every obstacle... grrr I am thinking perhaps a different front bar with hooks and a-frame attached to that? or can I perhaps bolt the hooks to the existing bar... hmmm... pics just because they are fun? Rust "repairs" Under the foam: And in case anyone has suggestions for my Hooks/A-Frame/Bar issues here's the current setup:
  23. muahahahaha, plan is cooking indeed
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