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Holdenman's Suzuki's


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Morning. Just trying to relive my youth at 58' and noticed, is it a 125cc or 250cc early Suzuki TM motorcrosser in your pics.


Is it for sale? If so could you send me details, maybe a couple more pics and a price please.


I had a Tm125 back in 1980ish and have told my grandson many yarns about it.


Something like this would be a good Grandad/Grandson project.


Thanks heaps


Tim Mehalski


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I sold it a while back and it was a TM replica using a TS125 with TM style plastics.

I will have forsale an '81 PE250 which is in great original condition and can be registered for the road. They are easy as to get more power out of them as the RM piston is a start and the porting is quite mild on them.

Alas I will have to sell off a few of my bikes as I am in the middle of a major car project and need some $$


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