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About a year ago, I indulged myself in my sickest fantasies and got myself an XJ40 Jaguar. Was planning on getting a later (post 1990) 4.0L one, but this one came up for sale closer to home at a reasonable price, so instead I ended up at the other end of the spectrum (oh there's a spectrum involved here) and got a pretty early (around Jan/Feb '87, production started in Oct/Nov '86) 3.6L Sovereign, complete with 80s funk digital dash. She's fairly solid/tidy, haven't done many km's in her due to being busy as fuck at work, study and home DIY, but have sorted out a list of things to sort out. Only major work done so far has been replacing the water pump, due to it leaking all the new coolant I placed into it out of its weep hole. Other issue I have at the moment is that I think the alternator is playing out, as I'm having charging issues, so need to look into that more. Pics for thread (yes, I know the chrome arch covers are gross as fuck and I shall remove them in time, just afraid of what lays under them).
- 15 replies
- 24
- (Shameless ripoff of Thousand Dollar Supercar's thread)
This is where we get to talk oil leaks, poor brakes, electrical issues and the reason why this needs a rotary engine.
- 39 replies
- oil leaks
- poor brakes
(and 4 more)
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I know Seedy Al will be keen to soak up some sweet british machinery. From the flyer: DATE: 12 February 2017 PLACE: Trentham Memorial Park TIME: 10am to 3pm (or earlier to set up) ENTRY: $5 per display vehicle ENTRANCE: Use Barton Road, off Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt There will be plenty of BMC products, pommy fords, and other spiffy motoring oddities
Hi just starting my build thread for our 1976 triumph 2.5tc after many months of looking for a car to buy this trump came up for sale in Nelson, with many messages we decided to make the trip from Dunedin and meet in Christchurch, After 1 hour of owning trumpy we pulled over in Ashburton to check all was ok and noticed we had oil leaking every where After 5 hours of waiting we managed to get trailered back to timaru, stayed the night and up early to fix it to get the old girl home, as we were taking the filter housing off we noticed the o rings had split, the previous owner left the old one when he did his last oil change. after a trip to repco new oil, filter kit and a few washes we had her holding oil again. it turns out the bolt holding the housing on was to long and this may be why there was two o rings to try and seal it. after a very long two days we finally made it home and trumpy got a much needed wash after getting use to the car we decided there was some things we wanted to tidy up started to paint the air filter assembly and give all the chrome a good polish. we also put new plugs and leads as it looked like the had been on there since new, as we topped up the wiper fluid we seen it was clogged and filled with algey.... who knows how long that has been sitting with trumpy all clean and running much better we took it for a drive. since owning it have noticed the starter motor has been occasionally sticking on and yesterday went to turn it on we had nothing only ignition lights .... after a few descent wacks with a hammer she started ( no hills where we live) so we are on the look out for a replacement and any advice on our one , we are also looking for a manual gear box overdrive would be preferred here is our link to the discussion thread // the next job on our list is sort the starter motor.
Build thread here //
Okay so i'm sure you're all familiar with this car.... I saw it on Trademe a couple of months ago and it wasn't far from home so i decided i had to have it. Got in touch with Jake and set up a time to go and have a look. I jumped in my ute with a mate and we head over. Eventually found the place, checked out the wagon and a after a quick driving lesson and loading up a ute full of spare parts we were off back home. The thing was so low it looked cool as fuck. But when my mate who was following in my ute said that it was throwing sparks out the back, and when I couldn't back it out of my shed, I thought i'd better put in some slightly longer cutties... god damn practicality. Next thing I wanted to check out was the air filters because I couldn't feel any suction at all, and as I thought they were pretty dirty. Shot down to Repco and got the only air filter they had the were narrow enough to fit between the carb and the strut tower, and after much modification to the backing plate, I now had twin ram flows This made the wagon run pretty rough, and since I was planning to take it to Brits at the Beach that weekend i googled all sorts of carb balancing/tuning instructions and did the best I could to get it drivable. Also adjusting the timing was a big help. I got a new head unit and tidied up the speaker wiring in anticipation for by far the longest drive i had taken the triumph on. All set, off to Brits at the Beach with my mate in his '71 Avenger, walkie talkies in hand. Got there very slowly with no issues at all. Not everyone there was a fan of our cars but who cares right. Back home after the show and very quickly realised I needed some flashier mags. A bit of searching and found something i liked with in my budget. Unfortunately they're BBS reps which makes me look a bit silly having a sticker that says "fake splits can fuck off" mean while i was still playing with the mixture trying to get a better tune. A few trips out of town soon made me realize Im not a huge fan of exhaust fumes so I had a new exhaust made and a few hundred dollars later no more leaks. A slow day at home i decided i paint the rocker cover racing red. Jumped on the lathe at work and made a little shiny dildo shifter and a couple spikes to go the the rocker cover studs. Decided I wanted to tint the head lights yellow so I went ahead and did it, not every ones cup of tea I guess but its also not everyone's car. Desperately wanted the chrome surround on the front windscreen seal so I got a new rubber off Rimmer Bros (as well as some other parts) and took it to a guy in to get it changed. Made it look alot nicer I think. I got a little rev counter and put it where the not working clock was. Brought a sub woofer for a little more doof doof since the 6x9s in the back were blown. Did a rough repair on the speedo cable to get that up and running. Put in a new fuel level sensor because that thing didnt know which way was up (Still doesnt, if any one knows why please let me know) and set the valve clearances which were really far out on some of them (0.040")... No more ticks And at last my not so creative mind came up with a theme to replace Legit Splits. Being from the heart of the South Waikato... Waikato Draught it is "Support Your Local" Had some stickers made, stuck them on. And that pretty much brings us to now. Cars running Average - Good, looking alot like I want it to look, and with out a doubt keeping me busy and entertained. Next thing to do is shocks and springs because the shocks are fucked and theres no point putting in new ones if the springs are gonna fuck them up again. So Im currently in the process of sorting that out. Keep watching this space