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governorsam last won the day on March 3 2015

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About governorsam

  • Birthday 25/07/1969

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    Motorcycles cars sharns and beer


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  1. Did an oil change on the nbc110, lots of metal bits. so will be on the mighty xr125 again
  2. Old mate John with the ct can’t make it, his boss is off work with 2 broken wrists. ducati vs car that pulled out of a driveway on dyers pass. john is now working 7days a week for the next 3 months. gutted, but he will be at the next one.
  3. Got an old mate who brought a 1971 ct110 after I told him about this adventure. proper dual range one, rego as well. keen as, from port levy. Rode it on syds run, so is all good. photo is from just after we put the fire out on the bike. has a new carb now.
  4. Might even bring the nbc this time if no one else needs it. otherwise it will be mighty xr125l. got a set of rings to put in it, it has done the last 3 rides at full throttle.
  5. I do have a spare nbc110 you can use.
  6. yup, will be there.
  7. Chemiweld. spanner in a bottle. mate used it in a turbo starlet with a known cracked head. got 3 years out of it, (being thrashed daily) then sold it as a good running car with full disclosure to to the next owner. the next owner got another 12 months out of it. ( with lots of boost)
  8. 3d print one of these to scale https://www.printables.com/model/117208-toyota-land-cruiser-emblem
  9. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/personalised-plates/listing/4787069822 $200 on trademe...
  10. just got conformation for surgery day on my wrist (from crashing at the sound of thunder in February) less than a week before this event that I have never missed. ever. will be in an above elbow cast for quite a while, recovery time is usually 12 weeks. so, unfortunately, for the first time ever, I will be unable to attend the sausage fest that is hanmeat. bollox. have fun, and raise a glass whilst having midnight bacon. cheers.
  11. Fok, just saw this. Bugger. have fun. next time…
  12. I will bring random people like usual.
  13. Unable to make it, will do the next one…
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