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Everything posted by Yowzer

  1. This post has no relevance anymore. It was once about a steering wheel. I need a new steering wheel.
  2. Haha yeah I know its pointless, especially as I'll prob have it goin most of the time anyway, but I just wanna be able to do it. Also wouldnt havin the blower switchable on a drawthru work better? coz ya dont need to worry about fuel pressure and all that? And who needs head gaskets?
  3. Blowthru needs a bit of extra crap like fuel pressure regulators, better fuel pumps n whatnot, which is why I was thinkin of going with the drawthru setup. However I sorta want an intercooler as I'm thinkin of runnin around 8-9psi, but intercoolers dont work on drawthru as the fuel just ends up condensing in them. So I'm still a bit undesided on the matter
  4. Haha vent your wastegate into an airhorn!
  5. For a blowthrough ya need a wastegate, coz unlike a turbo, the blower keeps spinning with the engine even if ur foots not on the gas. Havin a blower spinnin at 7000 odd rpm into a closed throttlebody/carb means a big big big fat build up of pressure, which will most likley pop something. Or just give you one hell of a surge when ya hit the gas again.
  6. So this is what I'm thinking. Drawthrough setup, carb feeds the blower, feeds the engine. Also as the blower has an electronic clutch, Ima have a switch on the dash to turn it on and off, mad max styles, so will also have a bypass valve from the carb straight to the intake manifold for when the charger's off. Heres a very (very) shit diagram of what I'm on about. Don't laugh. Oi, I said dont laugh! Anyway, any ideas, suggestions, recomendations, insults, whatever are welcome. ie. type of carb to use, wtf I could use as a valve etc. Cheers boes
  7. Months time, 4th Aug, shud give me time to get a few cars goin and tidy the garage.
  8. So sometime around 3 weeks from now is good? Like the 28th or something?
  9. Haha yeah fucking prick. Bike prob got stolen at the same time too. It takes nowhere near an hour to walk to town, but then who would really care, theres ducks to chase on the way!!
  10. Plenty of room to crash here aswell, got a few spare blankets/bags and mattresses
  11. We gots a big ass driveway so can stack a few cars up, but yeah wouldn't be keen on leavin them out on the road. Can taxi around and pick ppl up aswell though. Also towns within walking distance. Just. Depending on weather, and how fucked up people get haha
  12. Haha cunt is an understatement. I spent probably 2 hours tryin to get it on smooth, and it still didnt turn out right! Shoulda just sanded and painted it instead.
  13. Wooo nats ruled!! Didn't manage to fix the trans fluid leak in time, but meh, nothing broke. Finally got the camera back, but as I've pretty much finished the soundsystem there aint many interesting photos. Drivers side speaker pod with red vinyl (Fucking hard to put on and get it looking good) Passenger pod, not covered Ratty as sub/amp install Speakers that will go in the back Random pic of dash guages. Reset the odo in Cambridge on the convoy to nats on thursday night. Cranked out 512 miles (824km) and spent over $250 on gas in 3 days Water in the boot. Not cool boes RUST!!! Broke fuel cap cover 7M-GE that will one day reside in the car for a while SC14 supercharger that will soon reside on the side of the 4M Random pro shot Thats shit for now, will update when I've done something significant. Cheers boes
  14. Done a ton of work on soundsystem install, however one of the fucks I'm related to lost the camera so I havent got any progress photos. Ghey. Soundsystem consists of Infinity 5-1/4" and 6-1/2" Kappa componant speakers (Front & Rear), Alpine PDX-4.150 and MRD-M1005 amps, Soundstream 0-guage wiring kit, and whatever the fuck Flippy's flash Pioneer headunit is. = $5,200 Sounds fucking mean. Problems however, the speaker pods need a bit of trimming down to stop interfeering with the doors as the drivers side door can't close properly. Bigger problem is the alternator can't keep up with the power draw of the amps, so the whole fucking car dies when the volume's cranked up and sucks the last drops of juice from the battery while cruisin through town... Got a few things to complete before nats, such as carpet the pods, stick in new parcel tray for rear speakers, find better alternator and battery and chuck them in, fix the boot leak, bolt the subs down, fix the trans fluid leak, tune the engine up a tad, and maybe try n fix the clock... May wack an alarm in there too. Photos to come if I ever find the camera
  15. Ah true, thought you had already sold it. Saves me havin to go all the way to aucks which is good. Other box is auto aswell, I wanna keep the bench seats in the crown so gotta stay with auto.
  16. Yeh heard they arn't too great, but for $300 it can't be too bad. Gearbox would be a good score anyway.
  17. Had some trouble starting the bugger today (Read; Would Not Fucking Start!), so checked the sparkplugs, dizzy cap and HT leads, and discoverd that they all sucked. Chucked in some new sparkies and she fired up right away. Got the suspension sorted last week so it's a tad more legal, and alot more comfortable. Tis only slightly higher in the back, but that should sink down a bit. Tomorrow, exaust work! I'm also gonna rock up to aucks later this week I think, to pick up a new engine/box (7M-GE) and all the EFI crap from a cresida, so if anyone feels like comin on a roadtrip n givin me a hand with that, that would be awesome.
  18. Finally got meself an oldschool car, a '72 MS65, and so far don't have much to report on it haha. At the moment I'm just doin the basics, suspension, exaust, soundsystem and whatnot. Woulda just stayed with the cutties, however I'm not too keen on gettin pink stickered for it... Also just purchased a 7m-ge and all the bits to go with it, which I'll swap into the crown sometime in the near future. Probably wack a blower to the side too . Pics of everything soon, most of you woulda seen the car before anyway. Discuss stuff: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=10407
  19. Wow, great progress man
  20. Haha thats that place that makes those packing bags aint it?
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