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Mop Head

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Everything posted by Mop Head

  1. Jeeezuz all you big block fellas might aswell just create a new event BACK IN MY DAY the whole point was being ridiculously under prepared whilst riding unsuited bikes. I've built about 3% of my Suzuki powered Honda Frankenstein. But bought bar clamps today. So we're more likely at 4% completion. 5 capes/Uruwera rides, 5 different bikes.
  2. The first year this became an issue(two rides back maybe), one came with a massive box on the back of his CT with something like 48 big sized cans of beer - they were all gone before we reached that days venue. Last year the Gyro was the booze wagon which was just as bad. Not sure if anyone remembers the start of last years ride, us all waiting to ride off from J5’s but one of that crew was skulling cans of something and wasn’t ready yet so we waited a few minutes more - all before 9am in the morning. When you’re buying cup holders for your bike to hold the beer cans and have flip face helmets specifically so it’s easier to drink and ride there is a problem.
  3. Also just to brighten the mood a little here's my fave video of the first year.
  4. Time for debbie downer to pipe up. Just a request if we can put the word out about not sinking piss like it's going out of fashion to a point where you're slurring words and riding like more of a piece of shit than we already do. A few warm brion lowns/PG's throughout the day isn't what I'm talking about. But there was a certain crew that by the end of the first day - if they came near me in the pack I'd slow right down and let them pass or get way in front of them. They also came to my Raglan ride last year. I only realised how much they were drinking at the end of the day when one fella could barely string a sentence together - then proceeded to load his bike up and drive home. I've done the occasional 'jokingly mention you've had too much to drink' to these fellas but it just gets brushed off. I've spoken with a few people about the issue and it's not the OS crew that's doing this. But because we're all quite jovial and most of us are mates it's something that isn't really bought up as we're all pretty aware of this stuff already. I feel like it should be mentioned as a proper point - possibly added to the entry from? Coming from the organiser it carries more weight. Feel free to tell me to fuck off. But if I was knocked off by someone because they were pissed as a chook, fucking off would be the least I'd do to the culprit. Not trying to start a 3 page yarn about it. But just felt it needed to be mentioned.
  5. Roads look so lush on the detour. Just booked Waikanae Beach Motel and Hicks Bay Motel Lodge for the FOAMERS
  6. Sounds like all the PPSC boys are too soft for small bikes and will bring big blocks also. You’ll fit right in.
  7. Depends on the Garlic. Will settle a date soon but those are my preferred ones also.
  8. Just a heads up we will have a North Island garlic masters (dirt masters inspired) style event on either 29/30 January or Waitangi weekend 2022.
  9. The event lasts for 6 months, not once every 6 months.
  10. From 8 minutes onwards. Search ‘kiwi rider podcast’ on Spotify or similar.
  11. Finally some footage! Cheers gents. If you want someone to make a whizz bang *LIGHTS AND SOUNDS* kinda edit of that footage I'd be happy too. Also understand if you wanna keep it low key. Building a bike shortly for this exact kinda ride. Let the fizz commence. J5 is probably stoked this ride has stopped us making a Te Uruwera thread 11 months early again this year.
  12. Very very very similar league when it comes to the small 150's. Probably built in factories next door to each other.
  13. A review of a bike when it's brand new isn't the best indicator of how a bike might last. I've seen 3-4 of these things in my time working here and 2 of them were kept dirty between rides, oil changed hardly ever - they had rust gathering almost everywhere. But I also have a customer that daily rides one (has about 15,000 KM) and it's still in pretty mint condition. We've had to replace a couple switches over time but thats about it. TL;DR - if you're buying one make sure it's been looked after or don't bother. Edit: Lol should have read that more indepth. His 6,000KM review is pretty accurate.
  14. Ok, Chinese made. Maintain well, keep them clean to avoid rust. Tyre size is weird for a dirt/road combo but they do what they need too. Send it basically.
  15. May do a private tour. Helicopter drop off at the start line with the bikes ready to go and a ute to throw everything on when the cameras aren't rolling.
  16. This sold. To someone great. That you fellas know. How good!
  17. I can confirm they go hard for what they are and someone we know needs to buy that.
  18. He also works closely with Motomart in Wellington and they have a shop monkey that both him and I have ridden so he's a bit of a piner.
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