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Everything posted by gettinroundtuit

  1. No real surprises around the A pillar Cant be lucky on both sides
  2. New plan! No rotisserie now. 1. it'll take forever! 2. WHY??????????? The few bits needing attention can be easily dealt with on the hoist! It really is still better than it has any right to be. 1 thing intrigues mewhy hasn't a wof tester ever spotted this??? There's no spot-welds!
  3. So id better rob the good hardware & toss into the gold scavenger
  4. It wont be attending in this, robbing clutch cable for other scavenger tonight. Wont need it again so i may as well get some use out've it. Should be able to rock on up for it.
  5. Making progress, stripping doors out tonight, relatively bugger all rust in them
  6. Loaded up & ready. Neighbour turned up & said 'i thought you were gettin another motor!?!!! What happened?'
  7. Hmmmmm, so I may have things abit cockeyed. Rigid suspension & flexible shell I guess not entirely desirable? Or this was a Monday morning or Friday afternoon assembly job? Yes the welds are broke & have been for awhile
  8. So........... Back to the glacially fast resto scrubup make-over endeavor of a Todd Motors classic everyday shopping trolley Maybe
  9. this has jumped the queue & needs evicted back to chch
  10. Avenger update .......... Im gettin round to it Eventually
  11. Not much space to store all the bits coming off. At painting time I want it on rotisserie, need to be more systematic approach for this job, unlike slightly disorganized chaos of last car I've just done
  12. & I got stuck behind a red rolling roadblock several weeks ago dribbling into balclutha. How can I forget the cave dweller, it occupies a big chunk of garage real estate, from which it's getting evicted from soon for its resurrection by Xmas!!
  13. The windscreens out now, revealing a unexpected surprise... Despite leaking like a submarine screen door it's NOT rotten round the frame. Now comes the unburial. Scarily I still get asked if I've still got it & people miss seeing it smoking round the streets
  14. & that's about how far & motivated I got........ Til now! So I'm sticking my head on the block & saying it's on the road by Xmas!!!!
  15. Been too long between drinks, got incentive to do something now... On the road by Xmas - this Xmas!!! I have a playpen now to work on the cave dweller & paint it. Thanks to a mate who needed a touch up done & a car painted I now have a shed to work on avenger & not piss off my neighbours.
  16. Mines gunna be further forward over windscreen & with a bigger angle & curved too. Yours looks good too
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