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Everything posted by logan360

  1. Brookfield. one my mates has two vl's so gonna see if maybe he wants tag along one time.
  2. None of my mates are really that way inclined. i will try to as much as i can but yea i definitely won't be there under my own steam any time soon. is giving me time to work on my projects though. tryin to sell my 850 turbo to fund work on them.
  3. Hey guys. sadly i won't be attending these events for a year. i had a seizure yesterday and am not allowed to drive for 12 months. i look forward to seeing pics etc and hopefully by the time i can return my little ol girl will be up and running and turbo.
  4. Disconnect it. see if your battery is still fine after a week. if it is, problem solved. if its not check current flow and central locking/radio/boot light. they most common one's we come across at work. also the odd faulty alarm system.
  5. Spring cutting is a very hmmm subject. its not usually legal unless they are professionally cut and reset. look forward to seeing how it looks though.
  6. There's always next months meet. unless America bombs syria and starts a world war. Then were screwed
  7. Yea will be. my new car need's a gearbox because some genius destroyed the 4wd system so will be in my red one maybe a little late too.
  8. Crap i haven't updated this for ages. anyway since my last update I've brought a 360 with a snapped cam belt, tidyed it up a bit and sold it on for a profit. My turbo for the 360 has arrived so once the car i'm buying tomorrow (maybe) is up and running my old girl may just get some boostings. the only turbo B200E motor in the country (to my knowledge). should be nuts. Anyway, that's me for another month!
  9. Will be there. all according to plan I'll have yet a different car. making it 4 cars for 4 meets lol
  10. Good to see more volvo's popping up on here. what are your plans? i run 360's and 850's. Photo's mate.
  11. So who is actually going? Lol catch you guys next month hopefully.
  12. Yea would quite like to see what you've done in person too. September maybe
  13. Be ready to update photo's. i have yet another surprise lol
  14. I can't see photo's but will look on Wednesday if your coming.
  15. Right. so had a day off the other day. Fixed cambelt and she runs fine as. then over the weekend changed hatch strut's amplified rear speakers gave her a bit of a clean under the bonnet and changed stereo. wof check Thursday.
  16. https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=10151480998041507&id=594641506&set=a.10150427838136507.354225.594641506&__user=594641506 So here's the new girl https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1077074_10151481002876507_1282549627_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1084884_10151481005816507_1345042463_o.jpg Still very tidy and original inside And finally the moment https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1078889_10151481007316507_442561825_o.jpg The sunroof still works! So upon closer inspection its not perfect. Paint isn't the best, need to replace rear hatch strut's and some door seals and sew up the front drivers bolster but otherwise its beautiful. I'll be slowly doing all those things and getting it legal again.
  17. Ha ha yes me again! Guess what i has???? https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1077521_10151479804081507_38099653_o.jpg (Betteg photo's tomorrow) this thing is an immaculate example of a loved 360. Previous owner literally drove thing the length of the country when they moved from Christchurch 4 years ago. It roll's amazingly no issues with bearings, steering is remarkably light, its just stunningly beautiful. Got a box of spares. Its a shame i have to pull anything apart to fix the cambelt. Will keep updating as i go. I think the sunroof still works too! Anyway, keep watching. lets me know just how far away my old girl really is
  18. So coming to next month's meet?
  19. Bright fecking pink!! na I'm kidding what colour was it originally?
  20. Yet another update! two in one month! Ridonculous! anyway rust is once again put on hold for a while. as to why, that's my little secret. Stay tuned!
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