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Posts posted by datlow

  1. Making power in the South Island when it's needed in the north island is the problem

    From what I was told it would be cheaper to build power station in north island than to run new power lines from manapouri if the smelter closed down

  2. 19 minutes ago, Firetruck said:


    It's all going to come down to how they build them. They'll be trying to make them as reliable as possible at the moment so they can show they're better than IC, but once they become commonplace there'll be some dogers.

    In the near future, the Ol Slap a cheap Ali express  electric motor in and chuck on trade me for quick profit to some unsuspecting young fulla


  3. 21 hours ago, Fliboi said:

    i havnt read this whole thread, but if any of you think that the electricity to power electric cars is going to stay cheap your fooling yourselfs. the energy giants arnt going to wake up one day and say, you know what, 80% of the world is now using electric vehicles and our earnings are down billions of dollars compared to the age of gas vehicles, but thats okay because we didnt get into this business for the money. 

    The more ev vehicles the more power required the more the power co makes so it'll be up billions not down, 

    also a lot of nz power cos are share holder owned, and I know at least a few os members among many nzers own shares so if the Ceo etc tried to f us over they'll soon be out of a job

    oh and we have a gov regulator too

    so I'd say the substance lacking whut still stands 

    • Like 1
  4. Did someone say ev Barry?


    Also y'all know powers cheaper at night time cause we have an excess of it agh

    and all the talk about needing more power storage when we have excess power (currently the power stations scrub off the power)  the cars battery's could be utilised for this by having smart chargers the charge or even drain it when required and you could make money on the electric markets (think nzx stock exchange for power)

    also if they went full big brother and they all talk to one another/ some smart analytics  that knows Your usual movements they could work it all together far more than 5 million people doing there own thing 

    hell you could ditch taxis and just hitch a ride with willing owners by some app etc knowing where you are/want to go and the cars sat Nav etc 

    • Like 1
  5. 46 minutes ago, 0R10N said:

    I have some coin saved up for a BIG 'MURCAN TURCK but maybe I should just buy a 'tang instead.

    Because theoretically, if I import, comply and then sell it for big bucks, I could still buy a BIG 'MURCAN TURCK.

    <comicsans>Safe as houses!</comicsans>

    Go all out and put a classic bike in a tang in a truck for max profit.

    whats a good site for American car viewing/prices/dreaming

    found cars-on-line.com that has lots of classic murican cars but naff all Jappas etc


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  6. 15 hours ago, Matteybean said:

    Yeah the remote solonoid is rather recent so for now im ruling that out as being a problem. Hearing it tick would indicate that side is working atleast. I have found the earth to get warm. On the battery terminal end theres a split off so fat wire to block smaller wire to body. I find that with this connected the thin wire heats up very quickly to the point of smoking so i disconnected it from the body. The earth to the block seems old doesnt look too bad but am yet to check resistance.

    Is there a motor to body earth seperate to the battery one?

    it should take the path of least resistance (the big cable straight to the motor) so if the body ones getting hot I'd say it's going from motor to body then through the small one

    had plenty of problems caused by bad cables and dirty connections so I'd give all that a thorough once over


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  7. 2 hours ago, Firetruck said:

    In saying that, there is a shift in the knowledge base of the enthusiasts. 20 years ago no-one would even dream of building their own ECU, nowadays you can buy kits for a couple hundy bucks, or even build something from a dirt cheap Arduino. Electronics are getting far cheaper and so much knowledge is readily available that perhaps in 20 years time these issues won't be all that major. Once the RBs run out, we might see R34 Skylines with 600hp electric engines.


    should be easy enough for all modern kids that grow up around computers etc

    all our systems at work use can bus to io boards , with the right controller programs and manuals it's easy enough to change stuff around



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