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Welcome to my newest project!

the story goes like this..... in ashburton this past weekend was the street sprints and as it happens a fella for surfab was there taking some sweet pics which i saw pop up on facebook as i was flicking through them i came across this one here 




this is looking through the back gate of the local wreckers. If you look hard you can see the front of a fairly tidy looking gx61. so i thought  I MUST INVESTIGATE!


so i did today cos i forgot until just this afternoon




and it was pretty dam tidy! 117kms almost no rust and looks like it was reg n wofd till just last month! 


but then i saw this on the window and my heart dropped




fuck! so i raced round and found the manager and told him i had to take it away asap before it was destroyed.  Scored it for $450 so im pretty stoaked! unfortunately its deregistered but thats no biggie


the main problem is this bit


dosent work!

havent looked into it yet but it sounds pretty low in compression and its pressurising the radiator haha. Hoping for a fucked headgasket


heres the rest of the car












the only rust i can find


pretty happy with that! 
plans at this stage will be to get it going (weather its repair or new engine), revin, and criuse. Then lots of lowness and wide as wheels and fender mirriors. and 5 speed would be cool but not too worried.
chances are if the engine is toast i'll be very tempted to go down the JZ road


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had a good hard look around for anymore rust and this is all ive come across 


Two spots like this either side of the top of the windscreen


It must have been using a bit of water during its final days  :-P


The spare wheel well actually had water sitting in it. No holes luckily, just surface rust and paint coming off.


and thats it! hot dog! must be the least rusted pre 90s car i've had so far. unless i'm missing something of course.

Where are the common places for rust on these?


Gave it a quick polish in a couple of spots and the paint looks to be in dam good condition under all the grime and tar and bird shit





And heres some pics of the inside for anyone who cares








never seen one of these pump things on a seat before, pumps up the back of the seat for max comfort  8)






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Got a new old engine lastnight.
But not before having to battle with a flat tyre on my ute halfway to timaru. And me being as prepared as ever i had a screwdriver and a shitty pair of plyers on board with me....no wheel brace, no jack handle, no thingy to let the spare down from under the deck! thank fuck for the good buggar at the Winchester garage who was there late and let me borrow various shit to change my wheel.
So anyway cheers Rick! aka TMC-KE70 for the engine, also got some celica struts off him to play with and a whole gasket kit that i'll eventually be putting into my original engine since its done butt load less kms than this one.
then proceeded to pull fucked one out tonight







What an absolute cunt face the loom was to get out from under the intake manifold!... and those injector plugs...i just hate them so much!



Ah well 3 hours to get an engine out isn't too bad for doing it on my own i guess. I'm predicting at least twice that to put the other in though


Oh and i think i found the reason for all  the bottled water in the boot.


Pretty lucky my boss doesn't mind me keeping so much shit at work 


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engine is now in, and for the most part all bolted and plugged in etc. Now hopefully tomorrow i'll get the radiator get back from being repaired and i'll be able to fire this shit up. 




broke the end off this heater pipe trying to get the hose off it.   :doubt:




anyone got any great ideas as to how i can repair such a thing that doesn't involve having to remove the entire heater box n all that jazz??


its-alive.jpg                        ITS ALIVE!!!



Heres the smoke to prove it!



have never seen so much moisture come out of an exhaust at one time!

Had to swap the spark plugs out for the ones in the other engine though as it would barely fire, let alone run, on the plugs that were in there haha

after a couple mins the smoke stopped and it ran sweet as, only a couple minor things to take care of;


lots of water leaking here

shit thing is i saw how average it was and decided not to touch it incase i made it leak, should have just replaced it cos its in a slightly cunty place. :|

also lots of oil pissing out here...there was literally a small stream pumping out here from the tappet cover  


also leaking an alarming amount of oil from the front crank seal, so i will have to use a couple bits i got in the gasket/seal kit on this engine it seems.


But all in all pretty dam happy with progress in little under 2 weeks since picking it up




now fix rust and book in for revin!

  • 2 weeks later...

Fuck yeah, managed to track down some proper fender mirrors. Paid way too much for them but i really wanted a pair and they were fucking hard to find.

just need a bit of repairing is all


this one has the mounting bracket etc but obviously its a bit fucked and the other one is gone so i'll have to make up something to mount them up all nice
also no one would happen to have a spare one of these ??


  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmmm what wheels should i widen........ 


i have just got some new bands for the longchamps to make the 6.5s into 8s which will give me 14x8 and 14x7.5 with the possibility of later widening the 7.5s to 9? or 10?.....12... :-D
Equips (currently 14x7) un-skinnyed up to 8s & 9s or 8.5s & 9.5s would be cool since i haven't seen a mark II with them on before,... so if someone has a pic of that please share.


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Yuss! I scored some actual gx61 mirrors! I didn't notice till I saw these in real life, but theses and the crown ones are a LOT more different than i first thought.

Only got one on so far cos the other is in need of a wee repair. Also had to make some base parts out of some rubbery plastic I had at work, came out ok. Anyway they look much better than the crown ones




Had to at least try the meshes on, equips look way better though! But will need to be another inch or two wider at least. :D

Still haven't tried the longchamps on but I might stick them on when I go for the re-vin since they have newish tyres still




I cant wait to make this low, it's sooooooooooooooooooooo damn high! Ugh gross!

Which reminds me.... I have these sitting in my parts shed, will these plus my other struts be suitable to chop up and glue together to form into adequate lowering devices?


Oh and the rust around the boot seal is being fixed as we speak! Re-vin could be on the cards in the coming week or two!


all back together and ready for re-vin hopefully tomorrow or friday. sweet.



and found some cool old boxed speakers today so stuck them in. Not exactly what i was after for it but they were there. I think they quite suit the car though.



started pulling the pin striping off the side of the car today after hachi-ichis input about it. i think its gunna look sweet.


but then this minta showed up...

Managed to get it going but it wasnt powerful enough to do a skid :( so we spent the afternoon ripping it apart instead of doing mad skids

Who wants parts? not much rust in it...



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Yuck mess of an engine! Was quite satisfying just slicing through cables n hoses n looms to get it out I must say.

Found out its much easier to get an engine/gearbox out if you remove the gear stick first!


Removed the pin stripe but only from one side cos its a fucking tedious task and I just don't have the attention span for that shit all at once. So I painted my grill. Just over the flaking off chrome edge, looks much tidier.


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God dammit! They didn't finish checking it all out today. Now I have to wait till tomorrow...gah!

But the guy did say it was very tidy and he was happy with it so far and hadn't found any problems. Even mentioned the touch up in the boot was all good :D

Tomorrow we will know!

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Fuck sake.....So apparently it takes 2+ days to revin a car now days at vtnz Ashburton. Little bit ridiculous, its not like they're stripping it out or anything. But I'm assured I can pick the car up at lunchtime tomorrow. :rolleyes:

  • 1 month later...

so i have still been doing stuff to this all be it slowly. 

This week it will be getting a new cambelt and the super leaky crank seal replaced which was making the car almost undrivable due to the extreeme oil usage.


have also stripped some struts and adjustables down, just need to find someone who's keen to weld them for me. No one I've asked so far hasn't been too keen.



found some random springs in my shed the same diameter as these gx61 ones. Heaps softer and pretty close to the same length. so i chucked them in. They are only just captive but captive none the less. Have sorted out some shorter shocks for it already thanks to gomaxgo. just need to pick them up

Sits pretty nicely, i'll need to trim the bumpstops down a bit though cos there's only about 3-5 mm travel at the moment. :)


will be widening my longchamps in the next couple weeks too :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

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