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  1. I think its been 4 years or more since last posting on here and now its time to get back in to it. So I found this rust bucket cheap and thought Id buy it and see if it was worth having or if it was going to be parts for my wagon. Here is the two sitting together, that sedan was made from bog but it was complete, running and some how legal. It had a bodged up turbo set up with a front mount intercooler on a non turbo B6 DOHC engine but this and the wheels seemed to be the only things not factory about it, from the history I have heard these items appear to have all come from a yellow BFMR 'TEGZ", A 2000s show car. First job, swap the 17s with the factory steels I used to have on the wagon, find the guys stripped the hex off the nut...... lots of swear words and a new 13mm drill and a spare hub from the shed, I didn't have tyre rub anymore. Next was my 4 cylinder turning 3 cylinder. Lucky I am an absolute hoarder of parts and had a complete non turbo B6D motor box and loom sitting there. Stuck this in, only took an afternoon to swap it all and had it running. Drove it a few times, about 500ish Km and the bottom of the drivers door fell off, into the garage again... where its mainly been sitting for coming up 2 year. So started chipping off paint every where to see what was and was not metal. So off come all 4 doors, Bonnet, Boot lid. all full of rust. I had a full pre-facelift turbo front so the went on. Found a 1986 ford laser ghia sedan at zebra so all four doors came off that, then a trip to whangarei to get a boot lid, swapped all the electrics, trims and glass over as its all different, NZ production laser vs Japanese production familia. Now the fun job of getting a couple of hole in the boot floor welded up. Now just waiting to get it painted. Zebra had a 1991 Ford Capri XR2 Turbo, very rare car but could not save it unfortunately, but it gave me a full turbo engine and loom that was stock and 90% the same as the BFMP. So this got taken out in the morning and then swapped in the car by the afternoon. Adapted the capri engine loom and ecu to the familia body enough to have it running. Found the engine had been over heated and the head was slightly warped even though it was advertised as "running engine swap". once again lucky I had a complete spare off another engine I own that as a cracked crank. So this went on. I now have a completely stock running and driving BFMP with almost no rust. Since then I have just been slowly perfecting items. Finding oe intercooler mounts, factory mazda FC/BF momo wheel, Digital Turbo instrument cluster, also been finding and restoring period audio gear for it too! Found these brilliant Alpine 6420 Speakers for the parcel tray 7kg each!, found my 80s pioneer amp to drive them and an 80s nakamichi cassette head unit and modern alpine 4inch components hidden in the front. Now just planning how to convert the v belt on the alternator to a multi groove so I can up grade the size of the alternator on it. Ive spent a lot of time mating the capri engine loom to the body/dash loom as there was a few issues that were throwing me off the actual issues. After replacing a few sensors and things and triple checking what Ive done its perfectly mated up. Loads more to come and the whole story of the wagons too.
  2. Not sure if this will end up being much of a project, but here goes! A couple of months ago a couple of mates flew from Wellington to Auckland to pick up a new tow vehicle (Ford Courier), and on a whim stopped in Putaruru and picked up this wee gem. A few texts and photos sent, and I had pretty much all but bought it before it even got back to Wellington. After a few bits of rust work it got a WOF, it sure ain't pretty but runs well, especially with new plugs and leads. Other than that have done rocker cover gasket to stop a leak, oil and filters and driven it tons. Being the original 1300 and 4 speed it's not exactly a speed demon but has plenty of character. Mum even drives it to school (she is a teacher) and loves it - but has given it the nickname "Pusbucket" Plans are to chuck some low at it, probably new shocks, couple coils out the front and blocks in the rear - maybe some rims if I can find some for a decent price. Would like some hotwires if anyone has any going? Apologies for the rubbish photo but only one I have - will get some better one's next sunny day once it's had a clean!
  3. nothing special, but i guess these are kind of getting a bit harder to find in tidy shape nowdays. Owned quite a few different BF 323's and lasers and have always made awesome reliable cheap dailys, so when i got back from overseas travelling earlier this year I was on the hunt for solid tidy daily for under $1500. This popped up on trademe and had a $1000 no reserve, that immediatly got my attention, and quickly called the contact number to have a look and test drive. Car was super tidy and drove well, so kept it on my watchlist for a week. Ended up in a bidding war with 1 other person, and ended up paying $1500 for it. Kind of got caught up in the trademe bids, so was more than what i normally would of paid, but oh well. Got it and have been happy with it. This how it looked after picking it up, nice n tidy with only a few small paint marks and trolley dents. Found some cheap dobi springs on trademe, so bought and fitted those. Then kept my eye out for some cheap rims. Didnt want anything bigger than 15's to avoid the roller skate look. And ended up finding some factory GSR alloys with brand new tyres on them, so snapped them up for a decent price. Then finally got the windows tinted. Pretty happy with how it looks, could always bit a bit lower though ... so might look into a coil or two less here n there sometime soon.
  4. just thgouht id chuck some pics up of my piston 323 bugeye, not really much to say about it, still not happy with ride height, needs to go lower and also needs hotwires, so if anyone has any hotwires let me know, could be keen on deals etc wheels will fit escort etc.. plans for the car as of yet are undecided
  5. First start up http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/460/ ... fi3.th.jpg http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/6310/h ... fm1.th.jpg Been working on it about 12 months, Brought as a shell. 81 323 4dr hatch 13bt s4 standard for now. only short time trust me. bigger injectors mircotech comp external and hilux rear end 4.88 lsd 4spd corona box 9.5 x 26 x 16s hooziers Best runs to date 11.96 @ 114 mph. 11.98 @ 108 mph Bigger turbo going on next week
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