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Posts posted by Bling

  1. Reason I thought i'd go for mk1s is that everything else should bolt up fine?

    Mk2s being metric I heard you have to make up new brake hoses to go from metric to imperial, so would going for mk1 struts mean this cost would be avoided?

    Will look into the m16s you speak of and compare to the struts I have an eye on. Thanks anymore info appreciated :)

  2. Decided to drag this thread up as I want some info on mk1 struts, but my small question doesn't need a whole thread.

    I have drums all around and may in the future look at putting discs on the front if the drums don't cut it....

    So will mk1 disc brake struts bolt in place of mk1 drum struts with no mods?

    If yes, anyone in chch have some struts/discs/calipers lying around they will sell for cheap? Don't need shocks.

    Cheers :)

  3. Ok thanks guys.

    Its more about the fact its parts are worth more if I sold them separately, so I want it insured for the replacement cost of the parts.

    Don't forget to add things like oil filters, air filters into the value :wink::rolleyes:

    I've probably spent 13k on my Levin including car price, but at the end of the day its still only worth 5k (if i'm lucky). Thats just how things roll. my2c.

    Good luck getting the value you want though.

  4. So really what you want to do is be able to find all cars with a 4AGE in it for example right? and then you get a list of cars with plates with that engine in it... kinda like a theiving cunts shopping list made easy?

    Thats why ya never register shit to where you live :lol:

    Probably illegal... but fuck making it easy for thieves :evil:

  5. Would depend how wide they are really. The wider the rim the more chance they will stick out.

    I'm pretty sure however that if you tried a 7" 40p (or similar) on the car and checked guard clearance, and had 20mm guard clearance, then a 7" 25p rim should sit 15mm further towards the guard if that makes sense. Without touching the guard.

    I think thats how it works.

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