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Everything posted by htwn-escort-boy

  1. ^^ yup that makes it look so much better, gives a better flatter finish, and then yeah ados is fuckin grouse shit
  2. gud shyt man,epic nyt, put the vid on youtube and shuck the link up here, choice
  3. howd did u guys get home? walk or sum shyt?
  4. was a good nyt, fucking shyt morning, just had a spew, fuk i feel so much better now, yeah man cuttin some mean dance moves, fuck i saved mike-e from one of my mates from school, didnt like how close you was dancing or sum shyt like that, another good nyt otp cheers guys
  5. haha, you said what every one was thinking
  6. sweet, wot sorta prices u afta, im not in a rush to get that dun, shld be dun by da nats tho,
  7. ill change that then, no one in old school knws the meaning of quiet
  8. yeah she went to pro coat in aux, cheers zane, ill have a few friday nyt if anyfing happens
  9. hmm i dont seem to know if anyone in old school knows the meaning of quiet,
  10. yeah hpc, umm i didnt know there was any in hams, dads mate takin them up when he gets his done for his car, who does it in hams?
  11. so whats the plan guys? is there a piss up this weekend or nah? do we want to start a new thread with details?
  12. they 2lt escort ones, but the last set i had didnt fit so i wanted to test them 1st, umm any real mint ones man? and wot sorta price? i got 2 but they gota a few dents and ripples, they will do but if i can find a super mint one ill be happy.
  13. yeah red extractors are out of there, they only in to make sure they fit, going up to aucks to get coated, and the rocker will be cromed az soon az i find one mint enough, but cheers for the comments guys
  14. hey guys, was up 2 11 last nyt workin on this, and this is the result i got,
  15. ^^^^ agreed, and yeah its a pritty trick parts hauler
  16. has potential to be choice, wot cressi u swap it for???
  17. ^^^ how is that comin along, got the diff and shyt yet?
  18. bita progress, my hoodlinig in, nice a white white on blue all tinted windows are in my sticker enough for now dnt wana give 2 much away,
  19. new exhust much louder boe? looks mean cuming out the front of the rear wheel.
  20. that absynthe was different aye, 1st tym ive had a shot of the shyt, betta then i thort i was gonna be but anyfing that tastes like liquorce is yuk... would have it again tho,
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