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Posts posted by WLDRX2

  1. Pictureless update.

    will sort that out latter.

    Big thanks to Sam and the team at lineside auto electrical for sorting out my poor attempt at wiring a car up.

    It has life !!!!!!

    Light's, spark, fans, the works, and all done to perfection.

    Can't recommend them highly enough.

    Next, exhaust and fluids.

    • Like 8
  2. A bit like the guy on ausrotary who has a bee up his arse about modgies.

    Not my favorite wheel, but who gives that much of a fuck about what wheels other people put on their cars, to go on and on about it every chance they get ?

  3. Yep. what he said. 

    After years of pulling the shit out of people who use fakebook to feel better about their crap shit lives.

    I've had to join up myself, all be it with a fake name.

    I just don't feel the need for every fucker I know ,or am related to, getting pissy with me because I wont add them as a friend.

    It's just one of those things I guess, you just gotta keep up with the times, or miss out.

  4. Nice ute, looks sweet, good score with the well side. Much rust ?

    It must be rx3 sedan week in chch, seen a tidy dark green sedan earlier in the week, and just spotted a yellow sedan down the road from home.

    Don't see any for ages then 2 in a week.

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