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Everything posted by zach_munce

  1. Anybody have a rear wheel for this just a normal pocket bike wheel shipping from Auckland makes me want to cry so might as well see if someone has one
  2. if only it was cheaper I think it would probably be a better option than a built ish 4l60e https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/holden/gear-boxes/listing/4692520263
  3. had to do some editing for class and they said anything so i made this hah
  4. wonder if this would be good for dad would have room for the commodore and all your tools and probably all the weird things on wheels we own would have to price in a concete slab tho https://www.tradetested.co.nz/p/sheds-carports/garages/double-garage-6-4m-x-7-2m-widespan-ironsand?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD_ARIsAEb2HW83SC_Z9RI6QsQ0byPX8wQZcdb4YS_-TMgguuLG1WSD4NyT9n8mVwcaAiapEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. was looking on trade me and i wan a set now would look pretty mean on a ccommodore i reckon https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/wheels-tyres/alloy-wheels/listing/4599087634
  6. maybe these for the front or swap the rears onto the front and get some 305s for the back https://www.tyreshoponline.co.nz/shop/275-30-r19-goodride-sport-rs-race-96w-xl/?utm_source=Google Shopping&utm_campaign=Google Merchant Centre&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=181127&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAopuvBhBCEiwAm8jaMaK1uFFV0BiYqYRV5qwLb5t4vGjzqADRA_05SRq1_HE-uwWpSzON6hoC-RIQAvD_BwE
  7. these seem like a much better option although a fair bit of coin they look way better quality look simalar quality to the bc golds in my stepdads gto https://www.scarles.co.nz/products/yellowspeed-coilovers-holden-commodore-vtvz-97-06?variant=9703374946348&currency=NZD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuNGuBhAkEiwAGId4agY91bygduHP8AnrB7NXgzl8zawdAmG9XdUzvgro7xrEY9JFW3f4zBoCmhUQAvD_BwE
  8. might be these? https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/holden/suspension/listing/4570001651
  9. they look like ones ive seen on trade me cant find the exact listing but these look pretty simalar from my not so expert investigation https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/holden/suspension/listing/4569430982
  10. most likely a 09 250r but funny you asked i found 2 more gn125 farm bikes for 800 {for both} kinda tempting i actually love how they ride so might finally get round to that dr200 swap if i do get those
  11. haha going to my poppa so will still see it around fairly often and can still ride it myself
  12. found this on trade me exactly same as what we got would be a good score https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/motorbikes/motorbikes/scooters/vmoto/listing/4295940338
  13. @tortron i figured out the geearing but cant find a set for a gn125 that isn't farm gearing
  14. @tortron I've been starting to look at putting the mighty gn125 to street and cant find street gearing for the life of me and tires are a bit hard to if you point me in the right direction id appreciate it
  15. @tortron have been thinking about the dr200. Do you know if i just need the engine or the ecu and things and also have you got a engine?
  16. @The Dude might be a bit odd but I'm the son of the guy who gave you spike. I know its probably a bit late but worth a try
  17. I guess just to be different and the gn125 is more complete and not rusted and i know i can get ot legal in the future not sure about the gn250
  18. @tortron just realised could nick the motor mounts and some of the frame and make it semi decent
  19. Hmmm could buy the gn250 see if it will work if not just put the gn250 in the ching chong bike
  20. I found a cheap gn250. thought about putting the engine in the gn125 and the gn125 engine in my ching chong bike, not sure whether the gn250 will fit tho dad said ask you so worth a try
  21. update I can wheelie now can scrape luggage rack then keep going had to take the "plate" off cause I bent it in half cant wait to get it legal then a dr200 motor once or if I get the money
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