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Posts posted by kws

  1. Warehouse Stationary has some pretty sweet deals on label makers for the next day or two.


    That Rhino one on Amazon seems like an awesome machine, but no direct shipping to NZ, and you'd need to check the availability of the tapes.

  2. This POS has been lurking at work.



    This lives local to me.... and has done so twice. I swear its actually following me. Seen it parked up for months, and then one day it was gone. Was gutted, thinking they had sent it to scrap or something, but sure enough a month or so later its back again. Stoked!


    What'd they have done? Looked like it was surround with various gearbox bits for a while there.

    • Like 1
  3. Expensive to fix when they inevitably end up on the back of a flatbed, expensive to service and reliability is questionable... but in saying that, brutal power, lush comfort and a sound that makes all the issues no longer matter. Get a warranty, make sure it covers everything (including airmatic shocks) and drive the pants off it.

    • Like 2
  4. I used to do my own zinc plating through Tony at Lynchbuilt Engineering. 3 tubs setup, wouldnt be able to tell you about any further details haha has been a few years and have shithouse memory. I'm sure he'd be happy to talk to you about the setup if you give him a call. Can find his details here http://www.lynchbuilt.co.nz.

    Pretty awesome but very tedious and patient job. Components must be very clean for a nice finish (we would bead blast the bits and pieces beforehand) and shadows during the electroplating process will cause failure so the bigger the tubs (depending on what you're plating) the better.

    If you touch the components with your fingers the grease will cause the plating to look like balls.

    From memory the first tub had some type of acid, second had a cleaning formula and third was the electroplating tub.

    We would dunk the bead blasted components into the first tub for a second then leave it in the second for a few minutes. Once that was done would leave them in the plating tub for a few hours. Once this was done the components would come out and dunked into the gold passivate for

    1min to give it the awesome finish.

    Wish I could be more descriptive but yeah nah haha, it's been too long.





    Many years ago i worked as an electroplater and you're pretty close on what we used to do.


    IIRC to zinc plate is was;


    Hot wash > rinse > acid dip to activate > rinse > zinc tank > rinse > passivate if required > rinse


    The chemicals were VERY nasty stuff (the acid was sulfuric and hydrochloric, and we had a potassium cyanide tank too) and it was bad enough working with them at work (daily nose bleeds etc) let alone having any of that stuff around the house.


    The zinc plating part is the easy and safest part. I dont know if there is a home alternative to activating the metal in acid.

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