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Found 4 results

  1. Bought this cheap from TM for a cheap run about/daily. Bought plates for it off Fliboi, so if they look familiar that's why Wasn't going when I got it but after cleaning this crap out of the exhaust: Mmmmm two strokey goodness. And cleaning the carb it just ran, no worries Someone had decided that mph were faster so put this sticker on the speedo, good for me coz the dial underneath was still as new After it sat in the garage for a few days noticed a puddle of petrol under it Surprisingly Yamaha had a replacement fuel tap seal, so that's all fixed now Have had it to just over 65km/h on flat Looking to the infamous QCR for inspiration along the way too
  2. Usual story, browsing TradeMe on a Friday night while having a few beers. Que some peer pressure from mates. Sunday morning I trekked down to Te Aroha and loaded this thing into the Sentra Sportwagon. It promptly leaked all the oil/water mixture out. Then headed another hour down the road to visit @MopedNZ in Tauranga and have a 4 stroke wank fest with his new Honda Chaly. So, the bike is a 1973 ish model. Listed as a CT110, but turns out it's a CT90. Sold new by Paeroa Honda and been used on a farm since then. Has some goodies like the Hi/Low gearbox and the rare auxiliary reserve fuel tank. Been suitably barry'd around, wiring hacked up and roofing galv riveted over the rust hole in the rear guard. Tried to get it to run with @MopedNZ after draining the rest of the water and oil out of the crankcase. No luck though, couldn't produce a strong enough spark. Had another go at it today with the battery and coil out of my car and got it to run for a second on some brake kleen down the carb! Carb has been barry'd too so that will need sorting, couldn't get it to run off petrol. Will order a new 6v coil for it and go from there. Plan to replace anything that needs replacing, tyres, wheel bearings etc and just roll as is on some 50 plates. Here's the updated faded red paint fleet picture. Something 70s, 80s and 90s. As always any advice is appreciated! Just got my head around the 2 stroke Yamaha and now onto this thing.
  3. .
  4. Save the date! 50km + loop. Small bikes only! 250cc + under. Second annual Mt Maunganui ride! After the roaring success of this ride last year in December, it’s happening again soon! @Shakotom, @GuyWithAviators and I are hosting this wicked jaunt in paradise. This is an awesome day on awesome bikes in an epic part of the country. There was an even split of locals and out of towners last time, with an even bigger turn out expected this year. Day after oldschool.co.nz Drag Day @ Meremere. Make a weekend of it! A decent jaunt around the Tauranga, Mt Maunganui and Papamoa areas. Starting from the Av Gas Cafe/Classic Flyers car park in Mt Maunganui with the route still to be finalised. This is for small bikes only! Speed limit will strictly be around 50kph, sometimes zooming up to 60 when get a tail wind, this is to cater for the slower and older bikes in the group. Safety is paramount, so just make sure you've got your wits about you, Helmet, current rego etc etc. The ride will head down Tauranga, mount Maunganui and out to Papamoa, lasting a few hours at least including a stop at the beach, location yet to be finalised. Newer small bikes are most welcome, older are preferred. CC ratings will be capped at 250, otherwise the charm is lost for the smaller capacity crew. (If you have something bigger but wanna hang then it’s sweet tbh, just ride behind the pack, slow bikes go first; this line is used when advertising on local groups to dissuade the Harley crews etc). Spread the word, any question, just ask! The more the merrier of course.
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