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Posts posted by punkoutnz

  1. So we've come to a unanimous agreement. Fast drivers do not contribute to the road toll, shit slow drivers do.

    Now how to we get this point across to the people who spiel the shit?


    Pretty much everyone I know has been saying this for years, but lets face it, it doesn't make money, and it's harder to police. Why do you think they put speed cameras at passing lanes and on motorways (just over the crest of a hill no less) instead of in known black spots with speed limits that really don't suit the road? It sure as hell isn't for road safety now is it.

  2. Yeah I agree ^^. We know those cars are capable of comfortably and safely doing that speed, I mean they suddenly find that 5th gear every time you add a passing lane into the mix. And I was fucking horsed about that ad at the intersection because I literally see that happening EVERY day. I work by one of the most dangerous intersections in Auckland. 2 people have died there in the 8 years I've been working there. Neither accident was caused by someone speeding, both times it was caused by someone who "thought they could make it". There's a certain amount of assumption that has to be made when you're driving, or we'd all be doing 20kph and never get anywhere. That assumption is pretty simple; all of the other people around me know how to operate a vehicle and make a sound judgement about how to operate it. To go driving 30kph slower than the speed limit just because some knob end is so hopeless at judging distance that he's prepared to put his vehicle between you and the vector it was headed is counter productive.

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