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Posts posted by grdwalker

  1. ok thanks for replies, wheel hubs were loose as well apparently (bearings?) could this all be tied together?

    what is the most expensive thing here, and what would take the longest and most parts to repair?

    just so i can judge cost and time etc

  2. took the 77 mk2 esky to a wof place and one of the issues he quoted was a loose streering rack.

    the bushing right at the bottom has been replaced less than a year ago.

    any ideas what he could be talking about, im not sure if he was just unusually picky, but im trying to sell the car and this looks like the most expensive issue.

    thanks, sorry if i cant be more specific.

  3. is a windshield washer bottle required for a wof?

    the guy who did some work on mine (mk2 esky) took it out to fit the carbs, and the original wont fit anywhere.

    if it is needed can u buy small ones and hook them up to a switch?

  4. 2l pinto in escort with twin webers, recently started popping on accelerating(mostly at high speed), they r still running too high fuel pressure so im wondering if this is the only issue, thinking of trying "weber specialties" on north shore to tune them, any suggestions?


  5. where on the block is this found?

    i found a number on the exhaust side that contained: 70HM6015B-A i dont think i got the beginning as it was under the engine mount.

    and another thing: on the intake side just above the starter motor is a bell shaped thing going into the block with a wire on it, except the wire has broken off and im assuming its another one that i can see not attached to anything. what is this?

  6. after swapping the engine to my esky i've noticed the speedo is out by a fair bit, as an example speedo reads 60 for going actually 50 and 120 for 100, so its not linear, whats the issue likely to be? gauge?

  7. just drove the car back from getting the carbs tuned, twin 40s. and they said there was a fair bit of oil leaking and couldnt find the cause. on looking it seems to be sitting around the rocker cover, is this an obvious cause or just a symptom?

  8. finally found a replacement for the fuel sender unit in my mk2 esky and this ones even worse, no signal whatsoever, (effectively zero fuel all the time) as im about to drive to auckland from christchurch, was wondering if there are any units i can buy retail new from a shop that will do the same job, or am i gonna ned to new gauges etc? or is there a repair i can do?

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