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Posts posted by Cazza

  1. what are bubble arches worth? fibreglass or metal- im interested either way...

    ive rolled my arches but they still keep catching on my front tyres so looking to moving to the flares as a long term solution

  2. something i have learned whilst trying to get esky road worthy for this wknd..

    when taking car out for road test for the 6th time in a night...it doesnt matter how pissed off/frustrated you are that you still havent managed to fix it...when a cop pulls you over and asks "how long has your back tail light been out?"....the correct answer IS NOT "how the fuck should i know-im not behind me".

    oops. :oops:

    fortunately profusive apologies and pointing out that it got a new wof only a week ago got me off the hook.... this time. ... i shall have to learn deep breathing or something for future encounters hahaha...

    oh and do any of the esky drivers have a spare fuse cover? mines dissapeared (read:fallen off whilst driving) and i need new one asap- the points are corroding like mad.

  3. Just cranked both my cars up and they both have yuck exhaust leaks. So yeah na prob wont be able to make it now sorry.

    hahahaha, you're hilarious

    yep leeboe should be a comedian definately.

    i have exhuast leak too....blah ticking noise. but Fuck it. im rolling anyway. probably wont make the 6.30 at bp- leaving bay at 5am is going to be yuck enough of a start. no earlier!! haha.

    c u boes at manfield...main entrance side aye?

  4. due to $ constraints (thank you very not F$%!ng much winz) i wont be rolling friday night. will get up stupid early sat morn to be there in time. staying at acacia court which for those of you still looking for accom- its like a couple hundred metres down the road from otp..and theres vacancies. do it.

    see ya all bright and early (or brutally hungover but still early) saturday morn!! :wink:

  5. I got new tyres today and fully feel that i should do a plug for these guys...

    BIG VALUE TYRES on Hyderabad Road, Napier....

    these guys are worth coming across from hastings etc for if you need tyres...(brock, bren etc -im meaning you guys! and the datsun club boes too!)

    Awesome deals and the guys go out of their way to find the best tyre for your car...including researching performance on the net etc!!! (and best of all they dont make your bank account balance go into heart failure!)

    so thats my 2cents worth- GO THERE!!! :D

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