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Everything posted by WildPlumDx

  1. i know this aint a diesel forum but i know i get answers here unlike other forums! ANYWAY! i pulled my 4d56 2.5 engine apart from my L200 to do the cam belts and crap while i was there swapped the injector pump as mine was flogged anyhow get to the point put it all together and it runs real gay wont rev over 3g trying to do the timing but ear fluke as i dont have a timing guage too hook up to my injector pump but i'm thinking the chances of me getting it right must be soo IMPOSSIBLE anyways other opintion is i bought a bung injector pump ? have another one there but would rather know its the timing and that i cant do the timing the way i"m trying too before i go swapping stuff over and finding the same problem< anyways any help would be great! CHEERS!
  2. my mates about to lower his wagon and wants to know how low u can take em on 15's hes gonna cut the springs ( shortened shocks will be captive ) so how many coils should he cut out ? any tips would be great cheers
  3. i got basically new direzza's also it makes the noise on any road and i'll try change the front tires with the back but i'm dead sure it has nothing to do with tires hmmm
  4. yeah i kinda need a parts gem so i can swap stuff over and do the whole process of elimination gotta love that process
  5. i never drove the car before i lowered it so not sure but nah its totally the driveshaft or diff maybe? and my exhaust is just an old one doesn't sound remotely exhaust related hmmm
  6. hey guys I've got this annoying humming noise coming from my 84 Gemini sedan comes in at 100 and goes away after 110 so i thought yeah since i lowered it in all i need adjustable pan hard rod to re-centerlize the diff so i put that on measured from each side of rim to guard got it bang on center (if this is even the way to do it?) and it still makes the noise? so i'm guessing maybe a out of balance drive shaft ? what you guys think ?
  7. this is my 1984 holden gemini on tsw pulse's just lowered all round and standard otherwise, only paid 170 for car and 600 for mags with mint tread bit of a steal i thought!
  8. yeah your quiet right sexychevette didnt even think of that and i knew so! but yeah i got me a sedan and i'm just on rim guard wise and i'm running vauxhall viva shocks in the rear captive as, theres info about it on our chevette gemini forum http://nzgem.proboards51.com/ i just screwed up the fronts coz the shock doesnt make the front spring captive as its double wish bone so just ran standys but yeah anyways !
  9. woah crazy haha didnt expect to see u on here! and yeah he asked his mate 100 bucks for both but think i'll just run new ones and sell me old ones or keep em or something! by the way i see your a deth fan mustaine rocks!
  10. yup well got a price and its 100 for both of em so flag that! better off buyig new ones and flicking me old ones they only 2000km old or so guna get me some suzuki sj4 shocks like minkuni said, hopefully they will be stiffer too!
  11. yeah well i thought it would work totally coz ur making the shaft inside the shock shorter right which would change the place of where the shaft sits in the shock altogether aye?!, i can get em done for 80bucks me thinks anyway so might be worth doing.... but yeah the shocks are fully compacting and bottoming out on themselves and its nasty! specially on desert road
  12. ok so fianlly i worked out my car aint bottoming out on the chassis rather the shocks are bottoming out themselves! so coz i just spent 150 for new ones kinda unkeen on buying new ones again right length in all! so IF i got them shortened WILL it give me that extra travel ? coz all i can work out is they would shorten the top sleave/shaft inside of the shock which would give it more travel on the down stroke ? i'm just guessing but yeah please correct me if i'm wrong!
  13. just wondering how many people got Geminis in welly region drove past a black one last night but i missed it tooted me heading over mckays crossing heading into pram, anyways heres our forum. http://www.gm-t.co.nz
  14. just put the springs in then get under the car wrap some tape around under that shock skirt so once you pull the shock out you can see what height it sits on the shock and take that length to repco say you want a shock say 400 fully extened with the mountings the car needs on either end, thats what i did for my gemini eneded up with Vauxhall Viva shocks OR you can get them shortened but usually old shocks are poked anyway hope this helps
  15. looking at getting a bigger better carby for my 1600 84 gemini just unsure of what been suggested 350 holley and the 32/36 webber but no idea which one to go for etc any other options ? want cheap go for less doe! holley 350 cost more from what i seen but prolly better so i hear ? anyone got one they wanna sell ? any input into what i should do would be sweet! also realise i'm gunna have to get an adaptor plate from somewhere too ! cheers
  16. mint thats ok mines single cab one ton "cab M" on rego , i'd say they all be the same double cab etc
  17. kinda random question but remember i flipped my leaves and i wanna do it right now so i need to know standard ride heaight in order to get the drop right saves me having to pull eveything down and put it all back together for just a measusrement does anyone know of anyone with a standard l200 ? if ya do can ya measure for me from guard to center of hub on rear prolly a long shot but hey i tried! thanks guys!
  18. thats what i thought but the guy from tyre shop sed too do it when they c`ome in with the blue protection stuff ova the white !? thnaks for the info will try tomorrow!
  19. hey guys my eagers white writtings getting black and nasty what can u use to clean them up without damaging the white writing? was gonna try thinners but better check first!? cheers
  20. gunna polish my alloys this weekend as there all dulled whats a good way of doing it eg any secerts ? like pads u can buy ? i got mothers mag wheel polish and autosol handy! any help would be sweet cheers guys
  21. wheres a place that resets leafs close to kapiti coast />? kinda in thew middle of palmy and wellies
  22. axel tramp ? yeah i should do it properly !
  23. yeah poeple say it is but i cant see how >? maybe the process of flipping them in the vice can be dodge i mean ur relaying on that little bolt to hold everything together so it dont bust open and kill u but once shes all bolted down i dont see any danger ? please correct me if i'm wrong!
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