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Posts posted by Jebus

  1. The top is always the same as AE86, the bottom mount on the diff is different, you need to swap spring seat for the other KE70 model or AE85/6 mounts.

    BC's are definately the Jam, never been a fan of HSD, they normally run really soft. BC make RCA's and theyre $120 from redline.

  2. i have had an issue with coolant dissapearing slowly over time and i am wondering if a blown head gasket is the cause?

    Possible, but I really doubt it, weve given these things the biggest beatings imaginable 120deg + still drifting etc and never once had a headgasket problem.

    Do a compression test too, should be up around 175-180psi even.

    And check fuel filter if you havnt.

  3. Yeh lolz, thats only about 2" drop, thats gay, may as well put cement bags in the boot, sidewall is 111mm, so you need to drop it 2 inches to eliminate guard clearance then 4 inches to eliminate the tyre.

    and thats is how we roll. Theres No-Thing boso about a 2" drop.

    Long story short DROP IT LIKE ITS HOTTTT

  4. Probaly not related, but if someone kills someone else at the illegal drags, I really dont give a fuck. If a Mungy mob nigger kills a black power nigger I dont give a fuck.

    Dont wanna get owned by a speeding honda? Dont go to the drags.

    Dont wanna get shot by a mungy? Dont be a gangster wannabe.

    Simple really, should leave them and let natural selection take its choice.

    Long as they keep killing each other and not innocent good cunts Im not too the fussed.

    Not the issue at held, but I feel better havign that off my chest.

  5. I crank 3rd party all the time, especially during the build. Funny story when I first got my KE30 going with the 4age, took it for its first drive round block, it burst an oil line, was squirting oil all over the extractors which started a fire that melted my loom. Had no bonnet on, fuckin lucky cos I saw the flames coming up. Stopped and tried to stop it by taking my shirt off and patting it down all I did was melt my mean shirt, ended up racing back home, the cold breeze sorta kept the flames at bay then owned it with a hose the second I got in my driveway. Had I not got the car home without it burning to the ground id be FUCKED.

    Moral of Story, get insurance or youre a faggot.

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