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Everything posted by DujonC

  1. Hey guys and girls! I'm running an event on November 18 called the Hamilton NerdFest which will be at Zeal (Ward Lane, Hamilton CBD) between 12-4pm which will house a record fair, comic book fair, retro gaming zone, sneaker exhibition etc. Basically a bunch of us nerdy collectors will be there with a LOT of content from the 70s-00s. I think it will be a hit and I'm currenly sorting consent to block off a part of the roadway on Ward Lane What would it take to have a handful of cars park up for part of the afternoon (if the roadway consent goes through) and alternatively on Ward Street which is by the venue? I would really love to have some automobiles that reflect the 'retro' theme so just wanting to know what is required to make it happen! Cheers
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