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Posts posted by Terminal220

  1. Nope they are the same box, the difference is the internal ratios. I fitted my Starfire box to the 202 and just had to fit a 6 cyl driveshaft which is shorter.



    Good to know. So then im just going to need a new speedo gear then?


    Hoiw did it run? I take it that the 4cycl box has shorter ratios?


    Thanks mate.

  2. Seen,

    I still have my 4 cycl drive shaft and x member from the auto set-up that the car came with. Do u think that will fit? Or will I have to get them modified? I think the 6 cycl drive shaft is a bigger diameter though.

    Will crack into some research. Cheers for the heads up though.

  3. I've been shopping!


    So....... have had an intermitant spooling up sound coming from my trimatic when going from drive into park. Have also had it once when coasting around a corner, applying drive and getting a short pulse/increase in RPM without any drive, then she is sweet as. suspecting torque converter.....but  i dont know shit about transmitions....so who knows.


    Anyway, I just brought a Borg Warner 5 speed manual box with flywheel,shifter and clutch for $50!!!!! legend go's, it was off a VK with a starfire and ran well. It has been sat in a shed for the past four years. I will most likely take it in to get the bearings and seals checked as well as a general check over. If all is well then chicken dinner. If not, off to the scrappy.


    So im pretty sure.....and please correct me if I am wrong. All i need is a clutch cable and pedal box? No master required, my current xmember should work and apprently the trans will bolt up to a 202. Add fluids....do skids?


    Not 100% about the speedo though.


    I honestly thought that I just had to put the hoops and rear bumper on, car auido in and cert ......... Commy says no......glad I didnt get it certed just yet though.



  4. New pics with what I think may be the chosen ride height.


    Power steering is now holding fluid and has had an allignment! Just need to install the hoops (hopefully this weekend) for cert. Then it is a final tweak of the interior and install some better car auido. May look at rear bumper after the plate is rivited in.








    Interior and underside pics to come.


    I settled on a 2 1/2'' system from the extractors into a 2 chamber muffler and a resornator at the back. Awesome note with no drone. 80% of the underside has been painted/rust proofed. 70% of bushes replaced including new top hats. Has had a scope up her and been on the dyno. I have a hole in my vacuum advance ......so need to get that rebuild and recieve a final tune.


    What are your thoughts on the ride height? Intially I had it scraping low and was going to roll the gards. I then slapped this set in and felt maybe it would be more practicle as a daily driver and firewood tower. Also thinking it looks more 80's and standard. Slammed is fine if your going for the more street look ...... or maybe im trying to talk myself into it?

    • Like 3
  5. Opened thread, read first line. Prepared jaw for impact with the floor

    Jaw dropped. Damn that's gorgeous.

    I wanna go put my hotwires on now

    Me personally would go with lower in the front to match the rear

    (What tyre size did you end up with?)

    KK had part numbers in his thread for dobi springs that dropped the front a fair bit (but then he modified them further)

    That being said, looks awsome as is!

    Oh are you coming to Nats??

    If so YAY! Looking forward to seeing this IRL

    If not, Why not? Come nats



    Yeah Im stoked with it. I have a 2 1/2 exhaust on and it, she has had a scope up her and been on the dyno. She sounds perfect. Nice healthy (not trying to sound like an 8, no drone but a good deep rumble under load. The 202 feels like a rockship compared to the ol starfire! I have low king springs throughout but will need to roll the gards and am thinking of nipping a lil off the front at this stage. I dont expect the front to drop much more in the next couple of days. To my supprise I ended up on 195/65/14's. Mainly due room and since the car pisses 80's, i thought 50 series might be too low and personally the stretch look on older cars isn't my favorite.


    At this stage Nats might be a push as I am on a bloody hard out course atm. I just passed my last exam on the principals of helicopter flight......complicated shit! I will however be up on the weekend of the 28th of march with work if anything is on.


    I have done some interior work too....will put up the full shabang on the weekend.


    If you want your vacc advance rebuilt then send it to these guys.


    It's not an absolute necessity to run vacc advance though.


    Cheers K-trips, will give em a call tomorrow.

  6. Finaly got the wheels mounted, exhaust done and a tune! The vacuum advance has a hole in it so am trying to source a new one, then the tune can be finished. I have only been able to find one supplier and they want $158 for it! So may end up buying a whole dissy new or second hand and using it for parts and spares. She was running like POS last night and I found out today that the brand new thermostat has locked shut (I even boiled it and it wouldn't open). Whiped it out and drove her around without one in and a huge difference off the bat. Will slap one in tomorrow night. I aim to get some cool pics up but here is one i got tonight before it got too dark. Front /rear ride height needs a tweak......not sure if I should raise the back an inch or drop the front. Will let the suspension settle and put pics up for your guys 5c on the matter.




    lovin the mags!

    • Like 9
  7. After running into a spot of bother with one of the rear callipers beeing coozed and waiting forever for a new set ex ozzy to arrive, I am back in buisness.


    Trans is working well, engine tuned as good as she can be seeing as though she is only running extractors. Mostly holding fluid...... one trans line rubber hose needs replacing. Power steering is working mint (may need to tweak a few bolts there). The front has come down a wee bit... hopefully she will come down more after a good drive. Failing that I am going to have to look and going for super lows in the front?....will cross that bridge when i get there.


    For now, she is off to get an exhaust system fitted and recieve a full tune. Then off to the tyre shop to get the hotwires fitted with rubber. For some reason these e36 xwires have really grown on me over the past few months. Still cant wait to see the hotwires on though.


    Getting close now!



  8. I had a similar issue a while back.


    Stick a drill onto your speedo cable from the gearbox end. Have someone sit in the car and see if the speedo starts to read as you crank up the drill. If it does, your inner cable it most likely fine. If your speedo is irratic, inconsistant or dosent move, your cable has most likely snaped or is damaged. Another way is to do as above and pluck the speedo and have someone to see if the inner cable rotates. I did the first method so I could see for irratic movment.....up to you.


    In my case the speedo didnt move unless I applied a little pressure on the cable pushing it in. The fault I had was that it had slightly worked its self back from the instrument cluster and just need a good push back in.


    If your inner cable is fine and the connection to speedo is fine, you need to start looking at your gear and/or incorrect fitment at that end.


    Hope this helps and good luck.

    • Like 1
  9. Ok,


    So i hit a stalling point just over a week ago. One of my bleed nipples were completely rounded when I went to bleed the rear disc brakes. Started digging around and yup.....pretty much coozed. Have a new pair on order ex ozzy, should hopefully arrive in the next day or so. Thats cool, started looking into tyre size choice, exhaust setup and tidying up a few things like power steering pump etc..... may even look at those bloody drive shaft hoops. Anyway...couple of questions for yall.


    1. You can kind of see it in the photo above, but the gap between the tyre and wheel arch at the front is bigger than at the rear. People have told me that it should settle down once I have driven it a bit. What is your experiance? Other people have said that it may settle a lil bit but thats pretty much how she is gunna sit. I put low kings in front and rear (all new) that were ment to drop her an even 2 inches. At the moment its annoying me as I realy liked the rake it had on the standard set of springs. I kinda dont even care how low it is, i just wanted to fill up the arch as I could fit my head in the gap before swapping them. Should I take them back and go for super lows in the front? To be honnest as it is sitting the front hasnt gone down the 2" but the rear certainly has.......


    2. Exhaust: I have one guy quoting me the same price for a 2 1/2 system as I do another guy for a 2 1/4. The 2 1/2 guy is experianced in the HQ racing class and rekons that the 2 1/2' system will be better. I just want a healthy note.....I dont want a super loud drone in the car sitting on a tonne and I dont want to sound like im a V8 wannabe too. Thoughts?


    Once the brakes are on, ill driver to get an exhaust, then driv her to tyre shop.....them boom! rolling

  10. Haha you were probably on Recruit course as I was putting my 717 in, if I had've stayed in it would be my 13th anniversary on Wednesday.

    X2 on eagers for hotties, but good luck finding them in a suitable size



    Yeah, I joined up in 2003.


    So yeah, have been looking for eagers.....most are 235+. Too wide for me, 225 is the max that wont rub. Am still keeping an eye out but am looking at alternatives with white lettering. To be honnest the e36 rims dont look too bad. But after I got the hotwires back......nothing else will do/




    Note: mudflaps are now off. But part of me likes them on. Maybe they will go back on when I find a sunvisor?

    • Like 1
  11. The wheels look even better in real life.......they look brand new. So stoked, Rimrite here in Palmy/Feilding did an amazing job. Currently have 225/60R15's on e36 xwires.......just to roll it. The width is perfect and the new ride height means i can just run a hand between the arch and wheels....love it! will post pics once i get it out of gaurage


    Parachute Jump Instructor for seven years an have now remustered to 3sqn Helicopter Crewman

  12. Dammit! Had some mint 14" deep dish hotwires geared up and the guy turned out to be full of plark.


    The hunt continues.......


    On a more positive note, I swapped my doors for a brand new set of vented and grooved front rotors as well as an adjustable panhard rod to suit the VH......win!

  13. "Since I have changed sumps from the HQ to the Commy style I have a dipstick issue. The old 9 port dipstick hole in the block is postioned aft and I will no longer get an accurate reading on the stick (after I chop it down so it will seal). What do I do about that? I know I could get two elbows brased into the sump and run a clear tube beteen them.......but that seems like too much effort and I have already fitted and sealed the sump. Most 202's I have seen leak oil (some more than others) so I am pretty keen to have the ability to check the oil level between oil changes.


    Please tell me I dont have to take it off again!"





  14. We have 4 cylinder commy wheels at zebra

    Are you running the 4 cylinder diff and brakes?

    I will be running 6cyl discs front and rear with a 6 cyl diff......so need 5x120's.

    I will sell my set of 5 Holden 13's all with center caps after the brake swap. Any idea what they would be worth?

  15. Hotwires or 100 spokes for the VH? Whats the view on the street?


    I have some pretty nice 100 spokes but as of late have been having second thoughts about using em. I have the option of getting some 15" x 8'' deep dish hotwires locally. I want to keep the car looking sleeperish. I am most likely just going to run new rims, lower the ride height by 2'' and run fender and tail light extensions from the SL/E. Originally I was going for how the boy racers did it in the 80's look..... Dont want it to become just another butchered commy and am starting to think the the 100's will be too flashy now that its crunch time.



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