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Posts posted by BattleSnayke

  1. Getting them made by Steve at Frost Motorsport. They're fairly expensive since they're the first set but I imagine if there were a couple of people interested then you could get them cheaper.

    Another place I spoke to was Macbilt Engineering in Wellington who make 4-2-1 headers for $450 (quoted). They reckon they've done a lot of testing on dynos and they've got the best...

  2. I think i paid about $1100 all up for everything.


    Yeah man, i'll be selling it if i do go for a diff set up but i wont be deciding for a while. 


    Yeah, got the heater option but dont think im gonna use it, not at the moment anyway but i just wanted to have the option there if i did decide i wanted it.

  3. The beginnings of the radiator shroud. Because im running such a small radiator there were large gaps on either side. This should help direct the air/stop shit flying into the engine bay... plus the alloy will look amazing through the grille.



  4. Hey all,

    I'm looking at buying adjustable suspension for my 79 AE70 Corolla and trying to figure out the best/easiest way to do it.

    I called a local certifier, Ken Mcadam, about it and he doesn't think that welded suspension can be certified but welded from factory can be, ie bc gold spindle type.

    Does anyone know if the spindle type will be a straight forward bolt up? Or what other parts will I need to change/modify to do this?


  5. Bikes pretty much done. Just needs stickers put on and metal pedals, have plastic at the moment. Could do with the chrome redone but I'm not going to bother.

    Went out for a 4 hour bike ride last night, felt nice to ride, although my ass would disagree.


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  6. Hey all,

    Im looking at buying this cressida, only problem is that the car is in Tauranga and im in Wellington so can't view before hand.

    Just wondering if anyone knows anything about this car, any damage/problems its got... Even better if someone could view the car for me?


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