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nobangmycar's 1978 Subaru 1600 DL

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Now that I have driven my Subaru round for a month or two it needs some attention.  I repowered it 6 months ago with a dry sleeve EA71 after the original was so stuffed it would barely run.  When I did this I slapped it together well enough to drive it and get a WOF, but now I am going to strip it down and put it together with a little more care... Here goes...


This car was bought new in Invercargill by my great uncle and aunty in 1978, and through a series of careful family members with dry storage I have the car 36 years later.  It has 108,000 original kilometres on the clock and this definitely shows.


The other night I drove it home out of the storage shed:








Everything went well, started on half a crank...  About a month ago I welded in a new piece on the A pillar after it was falling apart with rust:






Also the front valance is a few bit rough:




In the next week or two, the engine will come out and I will clean up rust around battery box, and replace clutch with one that isn't 40 years old.  Have a few wee other issues to fix too...  Put a new set of rockers on a wee while ago and now I have one real tight valve, so need to see what I have done there.  Will do all this with engine on the floor.  Aiming to have it done and at nats next year.  Seems achieveable.  Just don't get much time between 2 kids in the house, work, and being a volunteer fire fighter, but will have to MAKE time now I think.












Oh, and while it is out...   NEW WEBER!







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