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Posts posted by bubblegoose

  1. are they fitted with an air flow meter? best tune up ever is getting theat cleaned and re-calibrated also if there is an air intake temp sensor check that, when they fail it can tell the ecu its fucking freezing and will crank the fuel up

  2. take a look down at the right hand side of the drivers floor, foot look too heavy?

    my mrs car has nearly twice the frugleness when she drives than when i drive and thats both our 'normal' driving

  3. i just want the right hoses, i know when i brought them (still have the maccas receipt from accross the road) and they are still as i brought them with the labels on (which had i looked in the shop would have seen were wrong right away)

  4. its just a difference in methods

    we DO use 180 for taking back primer when trying to block some shape back into something

    we also do wet sand and wet scotch but only after priming and try to keep water off the bare bog

    we only use 800 for flow coating and sanding out runs and paint over 320/400/500 depending on other stz

    its hard to put a label of right and wrong as there are so many different methods around and tbh its all trial and error to find which techniques suit your patience and stlye

  5. that looks like primer so if you're damn lucky its had the panelwork done underneith it

    sand the brush marks out with 240 and finish with 320, then 'scrub/wash' the whole car with some red scotch and a tub of 'scuff stuff' its a preping degreasing paste that makes life oh so easy.

    check for imperfections, panel wark needed fix then prime with a high solid/high build primer

    sand that with 320 then clean the car down

    clean the whole car again

    mask the car

    dust the car off with air and a tack rag

    hit the whole car in 2 coats of wet on wet primer, scan again for imperfections and decide if you want to fix or continue

    continue with paint or leave for a day to dry then fix bits and then attack with some 400-600 and paint

    note 320 is too coarse for finish if you want to use a base and clear coat system but will be good enough with 2k

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