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Posts posted by mixmasterlex

  1. Circuit racing is just out of my price range. Not that I wouldn't love to do it.

    Bullshit. Im going to some nzhondas trackday. Taking my nissan. Its going to cost $75 to race my car for a whole day.

    Going to get new pads and fluid, if the cars lucky I might change the oil... Not expensive at all. 40,000x more fun than racing around the streets too.

  2. Conversation in regards to boyracer's is pretty much identical to that in regards to Religion. Nothing can be done about it and people will believe whatever the fuck it is they want to believe.

    Absolutely. I used to care about this kind of debate, I really did.

    Fully. So many epic battles with the christian mates around the age of 16/17 etc. Now I don't even bother, which may or may not be a good thing.

  3. ^ Holy fuck. What a crazy bitch. "Maybe im just to sensitive". Fuck yes.


    One time I nearly threw up my breakfast one the way to work due to a fly hitting the window. Im sure i could hear it scream. Now I don't drive as I can not take that kind of mental rape again. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?

  4. Loan + fast wrx + young + hot fucking bitches = stupid things.

    That pretty much sums up the last weekend here. Was pretty sad to watch. Take it to the track you cunts. Scared me poor old mum they did. Those boyracers.

    Not sure were im going with this.....

    Oh yeah. Tis a shame they draw so much attention to themselves.

  5. So the early 80's cars can be brought over and registered now? Is it much of a cunt?

    Orion, how much would it cost you (if you don't mind me asking) to bring one over and register? Really keen to get an old 80's turbo beast at some stage soon...

    Also.... Mazda. Such low kms. But starion's are pretty awesome. Like a jappa deloren almost.

  6. Fuck. You got ripped. And those hyundias went for good money because they were newer, and were station wagons, which people pay dumb money for cause they need room for babies and animals and FUCKING GAY SHIT.

    On the plus side, they are pretty reliable, but that is the only plus, because there are 4,000,000 gay downsides.

    Congrats on joining an oldschool forum, asking which oldschool car to get, and buying the gayest newschool car known to man.

    Ok will stop now. BUT COULD GO ON.

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