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Posts posted by mixmasterlex

  1. i would have punched the motor with my face once I saw coolant again.... Dumb luck. Ahh well. Like you said, bottom end is sweet! Shouldn't be too hard to find another head.

    Hey what's the deal with running the ca16de cams in these? heard there was a trick you could do... swap one of the cams and it was supposed to give you more top end or something... Sorry I sound like Rusty...

    A z18 would never have broken down in the first place :wink:

  2. Dude, I hadn't ridden bikes for ages before I got my current one. You just need to start out slow and smooth. You can't expect to be popping wheeies and sliding it all over the show straight away unless you are me/someone as awesome/impossible.

    Slow, smooth, just get used to leaning into corners and taking off and slowing down. Heck, practice on some sealed road where you will have some traction. Much easier.

  3. No. Fucking. Way. omg

    I had seen this around here with the old dude driving it. Thought to myself, bet that fuel cunt of oldschool would love this wip.

    How did you find out about it? Looked pretty tidy, followed around a couple of times up hills etc and wasn't blowing smoke or anything. ie, was travelling behind it, not stalker styles.

    And yuh, that's zqn hard bhey.

  4. God damn it. I'm going to get one of these this year. Ideally one of the vans as dad had one when we were kids and have fond memorys of speedo needle pointing at all speeds at once, the smell of gas, and rolling around in the back on long tripe on 60's patterned carpet.

    What are the models to get? Which engines are best etc? Unload all of your minor knowledge.... NOW!

  5. just like a 250 really with twice the torque,

    i love it man it just hauls ass and keeps pulling

    and modern suspension blows my mind.

    5 years i've waited after i grenaded my rmx so don't hate me

    i've ridden my share of shitters in between

    Only 4 gears? Spose that's all it needs, and probably makes it real easy to ride given the massive torque band.

    Rode a mates new suzuki, like my klx, but 2007. Such a different machine to ride, everything was so much smoother and more gradual, felt like I could really get used to riding it. Know what you mean about modern suspension, couldn't believe how much extra control feeling there was while at the same time it was easier to ride, if that makes sense.

    You got some good tracks to ride on?

  6. Wow, nice one. That looks like a great example too. Ive had 3 of these over the years.

    The OE turbo is rubbish, it will fail if you turn the boost up. They usually fail at standard boost after 100k or so also. The injection system will supply enough fuel for over 160HP if its in good condition.

    Turbo seems ok at the moment. Will probably look at replacing it something ball bearing for max spool/lol.

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