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Everything posted by htwn-escort-boy

  1. must say this car looks much nicer in real life, very straight would be the best avenger ive seen, its not over the top and looks awesum, well done man, wen the eskys finished go for a roll sum time. jezza.
  2. 2day we put the final coat on the the crossmember, struts and anyother front suspension things, also painted the block, and the engine is getin put back togetha, progress =
  3. yeah bro ill be out, the gayest fing is i fink ill be in my m8s libero, cldnt find an old school ryd for the nyt
  4. ohh tru, we tried taking it out, neva to late man, its still im primer, but thanks for the advise
  5. opps. here the front seams the whole front just looks mint a reakon cheers for looking, thats all for now, will post more az it happens,
  6. more photos, went to the painters 2day, looking pritty good i must stay. all the seams have been filled except for ones between the frotn gaurds and the body cause they follow the lines of the doors. the hinges have also been molded with bog and filler so they look like the are one piece with the car. this is the rear seam. above the gaurd hinges, kinda hard to see will get a better foto next time im there. the front seams also been filled
  7. just took sum photos of my brake capplipers, they are off some type of volvo, no 100% sure, but could find out. to make them fit i needed to elongate the whole and put a spacer in. should put the esky on the spot pritty nicely, haha also bought sum 15s for the esky
  8. with the new engine i thort the orginal drums wernt cut it for brakes so me and my dad got some bmw disks machined and fitted them to mk2 escort hubs. ive got more photos of the build up intil now so ill post them wen i get the time
  9. hey guys, ive been looking threw most of your build ups and there been sum impresive stuff so i thort id add sum of my own build in here. this is the escort sitting on the ground with the 2lt cortina sitting in it, just to see what it gonna look like, may look high in the foto but that deffently wont be the case when finished. it was then out with the engine and tym to strip it down to bare metal. then off to the panel beaters. when there the panel beater had to repair this rust spot, was the worst part of the car
  10. thats kinda tru, altho there was a few eskys out last friday and a couple of old ke corollas and a a datto or to, so the chance is that there will be a few out is possible, yeah just hada look, that looked pritty low in the rear end, i used to rol in one of them last year for a while aye, always wonderd wot they wld look dun up, guess ill find out soon . anyway bro looking gud.
  11. Havent you seen pics of my lada, I wont be cruiseing anywhere in the lada till the suspension is sorted, to dodgey for rural roads nah boe havnt seen any fotos of the lada, is there a project page on it? ill have look. yeah boe that datona is mint az for sum racing,
  12. yeah man id been keen to catch up aye, i wont be able to take my car out az its no were near road worthy, i wld luv to have a look ova ur car mikuni cause thats one sexy looking wagon, ive seen it around hamilton. do u work on tasman road cause im sure ive seen it parked up there, but yeah name the spot and ill try not to show up in anyfing to new. haha chur
  13. ohh tru, wear abouts do ya park up? will do man,
  14. howsit guys, i know i dont post very often but i reakon that one night old school shld catch up and go for a cruize in hamilton, just so new members can meet old and just check out all the ryds of the members, just an idea tho
  15. yeah the only problem wit that one on trade me is, i dnt fink it will clear the 2lt. cause thats sits higher then the orginal 1100 cheers anyways
  16. howsit, dont know if this has been posted before or not, but does anybody make a mk1 escort strut brace, or know where i can get on made? cheers
  17. that looks dam hot methodz. where did you fing the rims for it? and where did u find the 3 inch lowering blocks, or did you make them your self? cheers
  18. yeah they wer mint b4 i lowered it, i got my old man to roll mine, then the panel beata tidied them up wen i got the whole car paneled so i dnt know how much it wld cost, nah mine are only 6 inch wide
  19. yeah i got 185's under my standard guards, then i lowerd it and had to roll the guards
  20. i had the same problem last week, so i went down to one of the mechanics around the corner and borrowed his one, they bloody messed up is all i can say...
  21. wld be gud to see every1s car out aye, hope mines finished, if so ill be there wit bells on.
  22. r u running standard bore pistons in the engine or have u gone over size? when u say soon how soon? how much wld u be looking for? cheers
  23. hey Methodz100 was wondering wot u did to raise ur compression?
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