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Posts posted by Josh

  1. So 56 trim compressor, and the T28 I have being a 60 trim, that makes it smaller I assume, is that going to make much diff? And the exhaust going from .64 to .84 I understand and going by garrett site looks like it will work well. But yea, explain compreessor housing?

  2. The GT2876r looks like the business 280-410hp, that's on first quick look though. But fuck, just over 2k for a new one from nz performance! Looks like exhaust housing is same as the T28 have currently so downpipe should bolt straight up as well I assume which would be super handy.

  3. Was looking for some info/help on deciding turbo upgrade for my turbo pinto. Currently making 195kw on 18psi with a t28bb off a s15, running it on bit over 20psi when drag racing, which is pretty much out of the efficiency of the turbo, and the dyno map shows it pulls untill around 3600rpm then starts tapering off, then dying off completely by 5500rpm, rendering the last 100rpm powerless. This shows when racing to, as have awesome acceleration but alot of people are owning me because I'm efectively plateauing in the higher revs, it's super responsive in the lower revs which is fun but now looking for that pull right through to 6500-7000rpm.

    So yea, without going stupid big turbo, what would be a good upgrade from a t28 to make more power and pull further through the revs. I currently have a T3-T25 flange converter so turbo would have to be either of those, probably T3 spec no doubt.


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