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Posts posted by 510WGN

  1. There's the problem! You've got to set the points with the correct gap when the arm is up on the top of the lobe. If there's no gap or the gap doesn't close then the coil won't work.

  2. Haha, yeah got it on the weekend, just haven't had much of a chance to come in here and tell you all about it yet :P

    So that's three Datto wagons that I now own :lol: I'll have to watch how much I do/spend on this one cause the 510/1600 is the project that NEEDS heaps of cash and time. This one is just a cruiser that I can go to meets and cruises with untill the 1600 is on the road. It does need a bit of work though.

  3. Yeah late model electronic flasher units can also have pretty quiet operation too. Some flasher units also have the hazard system in them as well, but it depends on how the whole system is wired up from factory.

    So if you've got an old car, be carefull which flasher unit you go and buy, cause it could just end up pissing you off and wasting your money. :wink:

  4. They are supposed to be that tight so they don't come loose. If you look at the steering shaft you'll see that the slpine is tapered, that's why it's still tight even after the nut is removed. Don't need a special tool to remove, most pullers and a few bolts can get them off aye. Usually come off easier by hand if you pull up from side to side, rather than even pressure up.

  5. Argh!

    Camp mother didnt get it.

    nuts would be a nice adition to his wagon family.

    Yes, I DID miss out in that BEAST last time... but only just!! Didn't even know those others had pulled out of the auction which put me back in the lead untill close to the end :?

    Well, Just gotta try again!! Got rid of my third Datto wagon, so got room for another again :) Fingers crossed!! 8)

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