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Posts posted by dodgypete

  1. I took ages building the engine and getting it back in the car. In the meantime I did some work on the interior.

    I removed the shitty centre console with gauges you had to lie down to see:


    I removed the shitty tread plate parcel tray. Why do people do this??!??

    I couldn't even give it away in the end.


  2. Being a complete noob I made a couple of mistakes, but got there in the end.

    I wondered if the corrosion mark in the bore was because it had blown a head gasket at some point, and been left with water sitting in it?

    It is now 1310cc (had to go up a size to get rid of the corrosion)

    It ended up needing a replacement crank - had a huge crack in it.

    I got the cam reground to a Kent MD266 profile.

    This is what happens when you try to flip the gearbox over by yourself to bolt it onto the block, and drop it on your arm:


    I fitted a lightened double row timing chain and checked the cam timing. It was retarded by 7 degrees!

    Ended up fitting an offset woodruff to get it right:


    • Like 9
  3. I took it into what turned out to be the most expensive engine reconditioner in town. After the price estimates kept getting higher, I told them just to do the machining, and decided to have a go at rebuilding it myself.

    This was pretty daunting for me since I hadn't (and still haven't) replaced a wheel bearing or ball joint etc. Might as well start with the hardest job!




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  4. Well, the engine lasted about a week before smoke started pouring out of the rocker cover.

    After a compression test it looked like the rings were gone on cylinder no. 2.

    I pulled the engine and took it apart to confirm my suspicions. Sure enough, both compression rings were broken, and there was a nasty corrosion mark in the cylinder.




  5. I've been lurking around here for a while now, so I thought I better start a thread on my Mini.

    I've got a heap of photos but they won't load properly. I've uploaded them to iforce.co.nz and followed the instructions in //oldschool.co.nz/index.php?/topic/34643-how-to-add-pictures-to-the-forum/

    If I put my image link in between the img tags they keep changing when I click preview and I get this message:

    You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community


    Help? Someone?



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