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so this happened today......


looks good in the garage, would be better in the engine bay, but thats a wee while away.....good things take time.


also, can anyone recommend someone experienced in removing extra mounts on a AE86 diff and attaching ke25 leaf spring mounts???



Also got a few engine stands with the plan to turn them into a rotisserie.........

I figured I'd brace up the stands a little and run a few welds along where the sections of the stands come together as they are only bolted.

I also need to make them approx 20cm taller.....then need to join them together.


What do any of you qualified engineering types/steel workers out there reckon.....am I on to a winner here?


  • 3 weeks later...

Small update:


My steel for the rotisserie wasn't ready on friday :(

I'm getting it dirt cheap and cut for free so I can't really complain.


So I did what I could with the engine stands, cutting off the front, welding up the joints and the castors, modifying the frame.

I'll cut the tops off, make them a bit taller and finish the mounting brackets this week hopefully.

Pretty pleased considering this is the first time i've done any welding. Good to be moving forward :)




discuss here http://oldschool.co....4-ke25-corolla/

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  • 2 weeks later...

My steel finally arrived this week and I was able to find a few hours here and there to get started on the rotisserie.


I finished the front mount. The car has had a slight prang on the passenger side so when I bolted up the arm to the bumper mounts it was sticking out on a funny angle......lucky I had a few big metal bars lying around to straighten it up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished the rear section for my rotisserie over the weekend.......nearly.

ran out of sticks so need to lay down a few more welds.

Once I replace the castors and attach the joining bar she'll be ready to go!


My welding is a lot better now thanks to watching a few vids.....

they still look a bit ugly in places but I have overlapped a lot of them just to be sure.


discuss here http://oldschool.co....4-ke25-corolla/

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  • 2 months later...

Catch up update......


Finished the Rotisserie - stands had bigger castors mounted & more supports added.
(also had to heighten them a bit more as I stuffed up my measurements)


EURON8 came and cast his professional eye over my welds to put my noobie nerves at rest............all good!!

Just need a few of my Samoan brothers to come over and I'll have the shell up on the spit!!




And after much "ummmming and ahhhhing" I have bought some paint stripper to save some $$ and get a bunch done myself first




discuss here http://oldschool.co....4-ke25-corolla/

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Second update


Merry Christmas to me from Japan....


OEM brand new sill covers/kick plates

(don't kick them though cause if you dent them, I'll kick you!! ha ha).......very rare :)



AND.......TE27 retractable seatbelts! need to be recoloured and chromed but a score none the less.


I need to figure out how to use them.......there's three parts - the buckle, the retractable clip (top section) and I guess the lap piece but I have no clue how they connect together.....any ideas?


discuss here http://oldschool.co....4-ke25-corolla/

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  • 1 month later...

So, not a lot to report lately. Picked up a TE27 brake booster and accelerator pedal out of Japan.



The landlord has decided to sell our house. We tried to buy it, but it's Auckland so unless I sell my organs, I can't afford it.

So we have to move, which has put any work on the car on hold.......BUT


I am moving back to the waikato, and I get a four car garage/workshop and a whole bunch of time off.........not too shabby.

So this time next month I'll have a new workshop and the shell finally on the spit ready for some major progress :)


Goodbye Auckland!!!



Discussion thread here 


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

moved to a new town, set up new business, had a baby, set up shed........finally got some progress


I set up the second half of the shed for the car by closing it in with some plastic.

Best decision EVER!  SOOOOO much BOG! discovered already = So much dust!!


Got the rear quarter and drivers door stripped and coated in keyphos.


The lower section was about 6mm thick with bog, covering up a few dents and a massive hole, and surprisingly the sill wasn't rusty, just totally dented in and filled with bog.



Went through 2/3 coats of paint stripper then ended up having to use strip discs as 50% of the panel and the drivers door were totally layered in bog. Two strip discs and a dead grinder later i'm wondering if I just cut straight to sandblasting.....


any OS'ers in the waikato keen to come and cut out my rust and fit some new steel??





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  • 3 weeks later...

Got some shed time in yesterday avo......Stripped the roof/coated in Keyphos - great stuff! Just wipe it on and it stops any surface rust forming.

And no I haven't primed the inside - that's just the new layer of bog dust EVERYWHERE. SO MUCH DUST!


Only one small dent under it all which was nice.


I had two coats of the gunmetal grey, a layer of spray filler in spots and some red primer (didn't see any original green up there) to remove,

and even after scuffing the paint with some 60 grit, applying the stripper and wrapping it in plastic, I find I have to do it 2/3 times in some spots, and very thickly......is this normal?


I seem to spend HEAPS of time on the grinder with the strip disc too, thought the stripper would be more potent.....I'm using TERGO STRIP.


Also bought a 'dremel' from the warehouse to do the niggly bits around the doors and apertures. 

With the $$ i'll have to spend on the body work, it's cool to be able to get as much done as I can myself.

  • Like 8
  • 2 weeks later...

Stripped the passenger rear quarter and a few smaller spots......

Hardly any bog so came away nice and easy this time. 


Bit of a crease/dent leading up to the tail light and a hole in the bottom corner, but otherwise really clean!


The sill is mint compared to the drivers side, a few dents but doesn't need to be replaced thankfully.



I'll send the shell to the local panel shop to be finished off by a mobile sand blaster and then epoxy primed 


To do first:


Finish stripping door jams

Window apertures

Dry ice sound deadening

Remove bungs/screw mounts/door card mounts etc


......and........Strip top of boot, bonnet, passenger door, Beaver panel, fenders.......Yeah, getting there.......


Discussion thread here 


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Got the boot stripped today - two big holes to deal with, all the way through :(




Also......what do you guys of to get rid of the surface rust inside your doors/panels like this stuff?

Some I could reach with a dremmel, just seeing what other options I have.....



Share your wisdom here  http://oldschool.co....4-ke25-corolla/

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Churning through the strip discs now......just when Mitre 10 is going to stop stocking them!!


Only minor surface rust, a small dent and some bent corners........these are usually swiss cheese along the front - SO STOKED!


Easy fix for a panel beater?


I have lots of small spots of surface rust here and there like this - do I leave it for sandblasting or what?


Help me out rust guru's!!







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  • 1 month later...

Dry ice works a treat when you grind it up a bit = no more sound deadening.

Only a few spots of surface rust  under there thankfully.


Stripped back my only genuine fender, found a mess on the bottom and another hack job on nose!!

I've got a few spare aftermarket ones but I hear they can be an average fit. I also ordered a rust repair panel for it and a few other goodies in the mail.



Now it's off to the sandblaster with a bunch of other bits.
Whats better for the subframe etc.......powdercoating or painting?





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one shipment of goodies arrived.....few more parts to get and i'll get the front suspension all assembled and ready for later.



(just found my camera again so better photo's from now on too)

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Finally put an engine stand to proper use :)


This is my first time ever pulling an engine apart and it's going pretty well so far. Filthy as but looks in pretty good nick for 250plus kms

Turns out I went to college with the guy that owns the local engine rebuild shop so I'll be sending the block etc off to them to get it cleaned up and sorted for the rebuild.




Started prepping the ae86 diff for trimming off the mounts. The drain plug is STUCK, oh well we'll sort that later.....I was told I could keep the pan hard bar mounts for on the ke25......

a) be gentle...........   B) which one are the pan hard mounts?   B) I assume I'll need to fab a mount on the chassis?


Also had a few more goodies turn up in the mail.....



Cheers to Alex at ML Racing for sorting the postage on the te27 booster!

Whats the story abut cleaning/fixing these up? will the guts go flying everywhere if I open up the booster to clean it up?



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