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Today's progress has consisted of 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

Cleaned out 20+ years of crap from out of it = step forward x1.

Getting the roof lights working = step forward x2.

Breaking the window winder handle while resetting its position = step back.    (it dug into my knee when the window was right down or up)

Getting the tailgate to close against the seal = step forward/step back if the car was intended to be a covert gas chamber?

Found the motor for the for the "loading window" while not dead, isn't far from it. Apply power and it makes a sick humming noise but nothing else notable happens. It looks like a pretty standard window motor, but its tucked in a pretty crap spot to get at with big hands!!        -just realized I've got a 9 year old with little hands and a taste for pocket money...


Nothing else of excitement to report  as of yet, but stay tuned...




Ooh yeah figured I might as well show you guys the insidey bits too!



The vacuum in our workshop = less suck than a $2 whore, will give it a proper clean out soon.


First time the seats have been uncovered since 1992!



I'm sure that's still a relevant map!


Brand new/2 year old fender mirror


Sounds like an RB gargling a bucket of ball bearings  ie: Awesome!



A krafty piece of Kiwi ingenuity :)


It's only about 1/2 a meter longer than the Altezza, it feels about 5 meters longer to drive though haha



The eagle eyed among you will have noticed the factory AM only radio and possibly the 1" speaker siting in the ash tray thats connected to my ipod.

Plan there is to install a period correct tape deck in place of the AM set up, some modern speakers in the doors covered with old grills that are yet to be acquired from a local wreckers yard.

If it's a working tape player a Theodore Huang style line in will be the go, otherwise I'm thinking of stashing one of those mechless headunits in the glove box.


  • Like 5
  • 2 weeks later...

Photoless update, but the wagoon is fully road legal.

I've also started scrubbing the interior clean, have added an alarm and central locking + wired it up for speakers.

The coolant system was a mess! Chick full of rusty poos, so ran it with 3 cups of soda crystals for a few days, flushed it out and fitted a new cap (old one didn't fit/seal), now running it for a few more days with more crystals, new hoses and thermostat to follow!

Going to start polishing up the wheels in the next few days, so pics to come when I make some progress there!


Reckon paint stripper would hurt the window monsoon trim things? Mine have been introduced to Mathew Black at some point.


/kinda pointless update!

so inspiration:



  • Like 4
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Lame no pic update sorry.


Have a very small list for wof, one item left to sort. Oil change and coolant flush done, drives like a champ. Fingers crossed i can locate idler arm this week (last item for wof) and have it ready for nats! Im away all this week which makes life a bit more hectic.


will get some pics next weekend, needs a good clean.



  • Like 3
  • 4 weeks later...

Man, I really need to do something more exciting for these updates.


Took to Nats, ran too hot for my liking but made the trip none the less. Whipped the radiator out and handed it to the seediest of Al's. Came back rodded and painted (as that makes all the difference). Dropped back in and seems to have done the trick. Heading up to National Park for easter so that will be the real test.


In slightly more interesting news, I have some woodgrain vinyl/sticky film on the way to wrap the panel on the boot (to match the fake woodgrain dash), and a wood steering wheel as well. I love me some wood.


Next on the list is to measure up the u-bolts and get some to suit blocks I have in stock, and then install some makita one ways in the front. Then find some more exciting wheels, so if anyone has some lush 14s or 15s in 5x114, let me know. 

  • Like 5
  • 4 weeks later...

slow progress is slow.

new wheel installed, more wood. i love wood.


Turns out the new bosskit didnt have the doohickys for cancelling the indicators, so grabbed the back plastics from a nissan wheel at pickapart and cut out the doohicky and glued/epoxied to the bosskit. Should do the trick.

also had a nosey at the rear end (gigidy gigidy) for ordering lowering blocks. Have some u bolts left over from something that will work a treat, perfect size.

Starting to look for wheels as well, looking at 15x7 or 7.5 with around zero offset. Will fit nicely without having to fuck with guards. will run something like a 195/50 tyre.

discussion //oldschool.co.nz/index.php?/topic/41006-beavers-87-gloria-wagon/page-4

  • Like 8
  • 2 weeks later...

Holy pictureless update batman.


50mm lowering blocks aquired, fettled and fitted (thanks Al). looks bazillion times better. Pair of lowering springs for the front have been located and permission to purchase given to some internet man from yahoo japan. Will trim to suit.


Thats all folks.

  • Like 5
  • 3 weeks later...

Overnight parts from japan (well not really), 20/30 mm lowering springs






Chucked them in tonight, looks to sits about the same as before but should settle a bit so will recheck in a few weeks and trim to suit. they have an extra flat wind/are somewhat progressive so will be a much nicer fit even when trimmed.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Went to BIke Summit. Loaded bikes and people in, on and around the car. Such a packhorse. 5 bikes, 3 sexy men and a sexy lady.







  • Like 8
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Oh yeh, Hanmer was rad.










p1090059.jpg(PS Ive figured out how to make it not do this anymore)








Much like Al's mum, this thing loves the abuse and keeps on trucking. Was meant to bid on a low km RD28 on tradme the otherday but forgot and it sold for $200 which pissed me off. Woudl be nice to not smoke so much (blue smoke, yum).


Test fitted turbos, look like it will be mint, just need some tyres.

  • Like 9
  • 2 months later...

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