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4age_Starlet's 1981 Toyota Starlet kp60

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Guest 4age_starlet

well i use to be a member of this club couple years ago thorght i sould join back up :D my old school ride is a 1981 kp60 starlet been building the car for over a year now most of the motor is done

just needs water pump done motor is runing sidedrafs and a k50 gear box with custm fly wheel body has fiberglasd flears molded on and it has also been depumerd

Guest 4age_starlet

well did a bit more sanding on the starlet last nite found a bit of rust on the drivers door down the botom of it so fixed it up.thinking of puting a half cage in it? but still want to use the back seats as the car is a 4 door

Guest 4age_starlet

well last nigth didnt get anymore panle beating done but we did get the car runing fist time i had herd it runing and it run like a bag of shit. then we cleaned up the plugs and played with the timeing and she run 100% beter going to hock up the water to it this weeknd so we can realy have a good play with the motor

http://img76.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... 009go1.jpg

http://img73.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... 007og8.jpg

http://img89.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... 008ou0.jpg

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 4age_starlet

well the car takeing so much longer to do then i ever thougt mostly due to money and time any my new tyers arived today and are now on my new wheels the car is geting primerd tomrow and ive now got back bumper my mate thinks the car will be all painted next weeknd

http://img401.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... 126si9.jpg

Guest 4age_starlet

sorry about the realy shit pics they where taken in a garge at night with shit lights and a couple days ago. the car sould be all painted this weeknd




Guest 4age_starlet

well there still a couple small stone chips to fix up before it can be spryd sould be done near the end of the week i am now going to turbo the 4age :lol: so i need to start saveing lol

Guest 4age_starlet

well ive brougth my self a nice new intercooler not a real big one tho the core size is 450x30x76 and last nite got myself a new turbo a vf10 off a subaru rs so now i can get the mainfold made up hopefuly get my injectors and wastgate this weeknd


Guest 4age_starlet

well car geting painted tomrow so its time to start working on the inside and the motor agin just orded new back carpet $350 :o going to mount the raditor tonight so then i can do the intercooler when it gets hear in the next couple days and also work out piping ill take some pics tonight.

Guest 4age_starlet

well the car is all painted now :D ill try take some pics tomrow it just needs cut back but fu#k its looking good dam cool in the sun blue silver and a bit of green raditor is in place now will start puting car back early next week also will mount intercooler tomrow nigth

Guest 4age_starlet

well here some realy shit pics!




Guest 4age_starlet

well sold my dellorto carbs last night so now im geting the my link computer sent away and up grading it to a v5 link :D i im going hard out on my car for autosaloon only trouble im having at moment is my diff up grade cant find anything cheep that will work so my not bee able to but car on dyno at autosaloon as ill have to run stanterd diff

also got my new carpet today geting my back seats recoverd next week some as my font


Guest 4age_starlet

well car is all clear coated looks so un real so happy with the paint job.i get the my link back on tuesday :D so wireing will begin next weeknd soon as i get my flang the mainfold will be made my evn have a runing in next month. mite evn get time to mount intercooler tonight

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest 4age_starlet

well pulled motor out of the car in the weeknd and pulled the sump of so i can do the oil retern also need to pull the plugs out that where put in wear the injectors feed into the turbo mainfold is geting made up by my mate also he going to start on the clutch. motor and gear will go back in this weeknd and also inlet mainfold will go on im also looking into what kind of fule pump to use. i have also put most of the car back toghter just need to get back seat recoverd and a couple more intioner parts.

Guest 4age_starlet

just to show i am doing some work the mainfold is also half made still not sur on what fule pump to use? im prity sure ive got a new diff its out of my mate race car its out of some kind on mistubishi turbo thing its on 20mm wider than my starlelt one and its got disic brakes:yes: just need the habnd brake done on it


  • 3 weeks later...
Guest 4age_starlet

well just brought some coil overs to fit into my car think it going to be alot harder to fit them as i think but it will be worth it still havent got motor back into car due to me being lazy lol all the door cards are now all coverd and look realy good.


in un sure what im going to do with the front brakes yet any ideas?

  • 2 weeks later...

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