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Found 9 results

  1. This thread is now discussion thread for Palmerston North OS meets.
  2. Time for me to stop being useless and organise a meet! Just to get back into the swing of things, this month's meet will be at Burger Fuel across the road from the plaza. Park up in The Plaza car park at 6.30, spin some yarns, and head over to Burger Fuel when we're feeling peckish. Discuss meets here Chur, see you there
  3. Hey boys and girls Next Palmy Monthly Meet is this Wednesday at Burger Fuel Park in the Plaza car park and wander over for a feed when we feel like it Chur
  4. This month's Monthly Meat is Thursday the 29th of June (steak night) at the Ashhurst Inn. Easy to find, on Short St, just past the petrol station. Map available here Get some meat in you
  5. Heads up. The usual late notice but, this is happening More details in thread once confirmed. https://www.facebook.com/events/215537258907263/ Date: Sunday 22nd January 2017. 11am - 2pm. (starts thinning out by 1pm usually) Where: University Ave, Massey Uni Campus, Auckland. lower tier carpark outside 'the ferguson' bar. Cruise meetup points at the usual places Greenlate McD's and Westgate outside ASB 10.15am, depart 10.30ish. Someone in attendance gather those there and make call to depart. For previous meet galleries and FB posts.. www.jap-olds.nz
  6. Hey guys, this month's meet will be on Thursday the 29th at the Bunnythorpe Tavern! Plenty of parking outside, park and yarn and then head in for a feed. Cheers to Brennan for the venue idea! EDIT: Changed to Thursday as venue isn't open on Tuesday
  7. Yo, Dunno what people are up to this Sunday, but if you enjoy trains, this could be fun tiems.
  8. Hello and welcome to the Hamilton meet! Usually Hosted at the Burger Fuel at the Base, Te Rapa, 7:30PM Wednesday!!! (last Wednesday of every month) BUT.... This month we're heading to Hampton Down's where a few of our members are taking part in a twilight trackday. Be there as early as you can - the trackday runs from 4:30pm till 7:30pm and then off to the Taupiri Hotel for burgers and talking nonsense. Tuesday November 25th (Click for Facebook event) http://taupirihotel.co.nz/welcome/ See Y'all There! I'll leave this here as a place holder for next month's event: Where we have exciting attractions, such as, BURGERS FRIES SWEET OLD CARS YARNS Come along and eat burgers, talk cars, meet strangers from the internet, etc etc Cheers Jesse/Yowzer
  9. So..... Sunday 10th March 11am - 3pm Massey University Campus, Eastbourne Rd, around the block from usual Massey carpark- refer map. Auckland Cruise details: from Westgate outside BK or from Greenlane outside McD's 10.15am meet and 10.45am depart Map here previous meets info here http://www.toycrazy....classicjap.html
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